Avoid nuts for at least a week and a half. U known it needs nuts when the the first set of round leave start yellowing.
Avoid nuts - I mean, nutes - for longer than that unless perhaps you started them in a neutral starter soil. Hard to kill the plant by under-feeding it but you sure can kill it by over-feeding.
I've seen the "feed when the cotyledon leaves wither" advice several times. I thought that sounded like great advice. We all want simple, straightforward rules like that one. It's comforting.
Our 1.5 month old plants let go of their cot leaves at least two weeks ago. They're in 10 gallon fabric pots with FFOF. One of them is a very dark green and showing some tip curl. Signs of nitrogen toxicity. We flushed both of them. I didn't realize how green she was until we got her out of the grow area and under regular house lighting. If we'd started fertilizing two weeks ago with an N heavy fertilizer things would have been worse.
Flushing also gave us a chance to check effluent pH, which was 6.7. We've been adjusting our well water down to 6.0 - 6.5 so the effluent was higher than expected.
Think for a day or two about a course of action instead of jumping up from the computer and doing something because somebody said something that made sense at that moment.