Hi to site but have enjoyed reading and self-educating(much needed). We are totally inexperienced and did this as a last resort due to rising costs and fixed disability income. Pics are from 8/14/2010. Started indoors and put in ground June 1st. Soil is a mix of composted maure, perlite and bagged store bought. Fert with Miracle Grow and yesterday started fert of K-Gro 15-30-15@ 50%.Has been extremely hot and humid with large amounts of rain. Ph levels are normal 6.5. Nute levels were good except Phos..a bit low. We are forced to work with what we have on hand and are scrambling to find a homemade pesticide recipe that doesn't need to be rinsed off. Plant location makes that impossible. Any help is so very appreciated. Thanx much 

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