1st time dwc grow, pics!

Ok so these pics are of my best two looking plants. When I went to my medical shop I bought 3 clones & 3 cuttings... the clones are not looking very well and I might just give up on those ones and concentrate on the 3 that are looking the best.

How much longer do I have in Veg stage from the looks of these pics? Should I start using different nutes or adding more? I have been changing the resivoir every 5 days.

Platinum OG Kush
-1000hps light
20/4 lights
68-78 temps
25-55% humidity

Any tips on what I can do to help improve and make my grow succesfull would be much appreciated +rep!


just as Weedler said above, but also for the look of the the pics you have up there it seems like you have a little nute burn or zinc deficiency which would cause the edge of the leaf to curl up like they are in the pics. Also what type of water are you using tap,distiled,RO?