1st Time Closet Grow, please help.


:leaf: I am a first time closet grower, dont really know what I am doing, but im constantly doing research, i'd like this to operate smoothly know what I mean. I have I believe all the nesesary tools begin growing, ph down, rockwool, proper lighting and AN GROW MICRO BLOOM, (purchasing nutes as needed), clay medium, the works. I have setup a ebb and flow (flood and drain) system in the closet, its all timer operated, I have 2 fans in the room, one pulls air in the other pushes out. Considering a vent to the attic. Here are some pictures of what I have going on. Im only trying to grow 2 or 3 plants at a time for now.

germination area.jpgGermination area
closet doors.jpgCloset doors. Large closet, doors make it easy to circulate air.
grow area.jpg250 hps, flood and drain system, reflective paneling on wall. Lots of room for height.

As you can see I have a fairly large closet, I can keep it at about 80-84 degrees in there. The system it self works great, light fixture cost a little money too. I was hoping to get some professional advice, nothing beats experiance so if you have any to give me please feel free to speak up. Thank you for your help. :leaf: