1st time around...400w digi balast 4 swiss cheese, 1 moby dick from seed


Well-Known Member
So the girls are wrapping up their third week of flowering... they seem to be doing great... one of the main colas on the far end of the box tried to get tall on me so i had to tie her down... hopefully she cuts this growing shit out now that she is in direct 400w practically touching the glass... they like the nutes though...


what are peoples opinion about feeding in the last weeks of flowering...
should i give the girls Beasty Blooms for two weeks or should i kick it down and give them some cha ching if they are getting tall... well one is getting tall.. you will see

here are the pics....


tits magee




Well-Known Member
Hope all is well,
I know things are for my girls! HA

So here is an update, the first group of pictures is a week older then the second group (you can tell when the time jump is b/c during the most recent round of pics the HPS was not on so the color is not yellowed)

So, I fed with beasty bloomz for 2 weeks and tomorrow I am going to feed cha ching for the first time. I have been following along the fox farms feeding schedule verbatim… and I have no complaints.

The girl in the back corner of the cabinet took off trying to grow bigger than the rest so she is tied down and is the funky one in the pics. Some of the leaves are beginning to get crispy so I know harvest is around the corner J.

So I know that every thread I have read encourages the last two weeks to be nute free; however, I definitely am going to be using cha ching… I mean why the fuck not increase my yield. SO I am going to be feeding nutes up until harvest and maybe lay off the last 5 days or so… at this time everybody says to “flush the girls so that they use up all of the nutes in the soil”, but once again I am difficult. Since I have not had any run-off from watering since maybe the 3rd week of veg, I don’t think there is anything in the soil besides dirt. The entire grow they have been nice and dry, eating everything I give them with no food left on the table. So to think I need to “flush out the lingering nutes” seems redundant. What’s everybody’s opinion on this ?
Bring on the Pics!!!

