1st time around...400w digi balast 4 swiss cheese, 1 moby dick from seed


Well-Known Member
My set up:
400 watt digital ballast
400w metal halide for vegging
400w HPS for flowering
2- 75cfm Dayton sqirel fans, one on the cooltube one for venting
No filter yet… open to diy suggestions
Grow box is 3ft x 2ft x 5 ft tall (check my sig to see the full box set up)
My seeds are from attitude... 5 swiss cheese and 1 free moby dick (one swiss never broke ground)
Using organicare pure earth air indoor soil
Make sure indoor plant roots get as much air as they need with Organicare Pure Earth Air Indoor potting soil. Composed of Organicare Humex, Seaplex and Pure, as well as coco coir, perlite, earthworm castings and more, it's made to help plants thrive. This high-porosity, all-natural growing medium possesses the perfect air-to-water ratio for plants grown inside, though it's also a great choice for outdoor plants that require a high level of root aeration. 30-pound bag.

And the 6 fox farm nute line up
Here are some pics of my seedlings they are the most current is 15 days from seed. They are in cronological order!!

The plants were transplanted on the 10th day because I had only one t12 cfl on them about and inch away and they were stretching like no other, so I transplanted them, put them in my box and growth has slowed…

All comments, questions, concerns are welcome… its my first time so im going to lightweight mess shit up im sure…

Thanks, Happy Growing!
Also Im in the market for a PH tester... something under 50 and online is what im looking for (thanks for any sugestions)




Well-Known Member
Does anybody know why they could be so yellow and one has little light brown specks on its tips... like a coffee stain color... any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Well I realized now what that burn color was.. I was fucking burning my seedlings with my light to close...

I know everybody was saying 18 inches and i for some reason had set it at 16 inches... It was a brand nes 400 watt in a small space so yea...

So however I have some pics of them a from today before wattering. I am officially starting October 2 as my fist day in the vegitative stage for recording and time analysis.

However after i took these pictures i fed my girls with 2 gallons of water and 4 tablespoons of FF Grow Big and they greened up right before my eyes... however i got high and watched them gown for and hour and did not get pics of the turn around...

To my 42 viewers, i shall post my plants revived pics on sunday.



Well-Known Member
Hey viewers here is an update.... I am currently 15 days into my vegitative cycle.

Well the girls were looking sorry there on the 2nd and for a little while after...

The leaves that were burned from the light never recovered and I'll be honest for a second there i thought all 5 of my girls were done for...

however i raised the light as high as it could get in my box... about 30in and just watched...

This when the local wether broke and we went down into the 60s or less (currently fucking 42... yea carbon dioxide emitions) This got the temps in my box to an even keal 74*

My last feeding was Fox Farms Big Bloom 2 Tbs /gal allong with FF Grow Big 2 Tbs/ Gal and that was on the 12 day of veg, and then today they got water.

Each feeding/watering the 5 girls split 2 gallons of drink.

Well enough yappen here are some pics!!!




Well-Known Member
Yo sorry for the long time no update, but school is a bitch. So the girls have been vegging for about 28 days now… they look GOOD! Exactly what I was going for crazy condensed growth that isn’t stretching for shit.

I an going to go with a scrog flowering system, not only will it check my bitches height but also evenly distribute the canopy for flower under my 400 hps.

My screen is just an old metal piece that I am taking pieces off of(see pics)

I am planning on flowering next week they already have some open sesame in their soil so I am all set!! I hope the girls grow that last 1.5 inch in time (I think they will)

So when I water I am not getting any run off, the girls are retaining everything I give them… I kind of like it this way because I don’t have to extract the water from the drain pans. Will this hurt me at all as long as I stay steady and precise on my nute usage? Or do I need to water until they produce runoff. They are in 2 gal buckets and are getting 60 oz of water each per watering.



Well-Known Member
So the garden is going well. I gave the girls 30 hours of darkness on Sunday/Monday so my first day of my flowering stage is November 2.

I have completed the screen for my scgrog and I am happy with it. The holes are 3in x 3in and the plants are evening the canopy nicely. I am rather shocked by how much growth I have already had to cut away on the underside of the canopy… The girls are just so happy.

I’m a little concerned because I have yet to see any preflower activities and I have already introduced to the flowering stag, I have a close up of a bud site any comments are appreciated.

Also I have gotten my first electric bill sense I have had my 400 watt MH going 18-6 and it is about 18USD above what is used to be at its lowest point. So I’m happy with the low cost of that. However on Monday I screwed my HPS into my reflector and I am curious if it will cost the same amount of money to run…

I am still searching for the answer to my previously asked question… of whether or not my girls have to have run off when I water them, for the past 3-4 weeks now they have produced no run off but seem to be doing great (I don’t check the PH level(my tap water is a bit high in PH and my FF nutes drop the PH so I figure we will be ok))

Well here are a few pics with the screen fully installed (I ghetto rigged this, the main stability is provided by romex clips (electric wire plastic clips) and the rest is duct tape and string). The new light is crazy though, a totally different spectrum!!!!

I’m also starting to wonder if it was my moby dick seed that did not ever sprout from seed. Originally I thought it had, and one of the 5 swiss chees had not made it; however, the girls’ leaves all seem to be looking similar to me not, enforcing my prior hypothesis. We will see… but does any girl to you guys seen to be not the same stain???
Well here are a few pics!!



Well-Known Member
I'm pulling for ya! What does "scrog" mean? I see it everywhere but can't figure it out. Is that the screens? What's if for? Thanks for answering my newb questions :)


Well-Known Member
scgrog means --screen of green it is the white wire squares that separate my bud sites from other bud sites creating an even canopy. Look in FAQ on the top left of the screen to see all the differnt types of growing styles


Well-Known Member
i did a sog and mine were all around 4 feet or so they doubled atleast in height in flowering and the main cola bud on my last grow was smallest 7.3 grams dry and biggest was 12.2 grams dry just monster buds


Well-Known Member
so do i dude.:clap: i find 2 400 watters more effient than 1 1000 watter. rep+ for the simarlarity;-)
:leaf::-P:leaf: no doubt dude 2 400 watters is more efficent and grow a bigger area than 1000w and not as big of heat issues either well i hAve no heat issues but u know what i mean +rep to you bro for being smart and not thinking to grow monster buds u need a 1000w light


Well-Known Member
:leaf::-P:leaf: no doubt dude 2 400 watters is more efficent and grow a bigger area than 1000w and not as big of heat issues either well i hAve no heat issues but u know what i mean +rep to you bro for being smart and not thinking to grow monster buds u need a 1000w light
Its graet being smart;-)


Well-Known Member
So the girls are looking good. They are currently just starting their third week of flower and i will be introducing beasty blooms tonight when i water.

I have 23 flower sights on the canopy and prob another 15 in the undergrowth. I am very pleased with this...

I took some pics of the stem underside of my girls so that you can see how, although the main cola is aparent there are many many 'contenders' for the largest yeild.

One of the girls is curling the very tip of her leaves... im not sure what this is from as the rest seem to be in peak health.




Well-Known Member
whoa dude you got a diff pheno cheese than mine mine never had much for side branching just grew a slew of big buds down the cola lookin good though


Well-Known Member
whoa dude you got a diff pheno cheese than mine mine never had much for side branching just grew a slew of big buds down the cola lookin good though
I dont think it was the strain that caused this crazyness of colas, rater IMO I think it was a mixture of my light size (400w MH during veg), cabinet size, and my cutting of a lot of fan leaves to allow colas to get direct light... I dont hesitate to cut off fan leaves in order to grow/ develop another cola... i also tied off my girls like crazy pulling them to the left so a cola on the right got direct leght and developed, then once through the screen cutting the rope and allowing compitition to take place.
