1st soil grow chem dawg#4 using GH and advanced nutrients

1st off i just wanted to say that this is not my 1st weed grow. I have grown for about 4 years now but i have also done hydro but i decided to make a switch to soil but i need some help. Here is the stats on my grow.....
5x5 dr150II grow tent in a garage with no a/c
1000w hps run at night from 8-8
8" exhaust
6" intake
1-16" fan
2-6" fans
9 chemdawg #4 plants(harborside oakland cut) started in 1gallon pots with happy frog soil then i transplanted into 3 gallon root maker pots using vermi fire soil.

when i did my transplanting i added some humus and ewc and some roots organism.

So for my veg phase i didn't have really any issues as my plants always looked healthy. i would have red stems on my plants but when transplanting into vermifire soil it went away. i would ph my water to 6.3-6.5. once i started flowering i noticed some definciences on some of my leaves but it wasn't on all my plants. I was on keeping it all organic but once i noticed this problem i went out and got me some nutes.

4-plants getting AN Conni A and B, big bud, bud candy, bud factor x, , original pure blend bloom organic, hygrozme, cal mg
5-plants getting GH Flora Duo A and B, kool bloom, floralicious plus, humbolt honey, original pure blend bloom organic, hygrozme, cal mg.

once i started using these nutes i noticed a night a day difference as they responded very well and the deficiencies stopped and i noticed my plants got bigger. during week 1 i would feed water water than switched to feed water feed water, but i only need water on every 3rd or 4th day. Im on day 34 of flower but my plants looks like i've only been flowering for maybe 21days. i've never grown this strain before but from what i've been able to search it looks like i'm behind on the ball. Here are some pics to show my progress from day 1. my ppms so far are around 900ppm and my temps range from 70-85 degrees. about 1 week ago i did have a heat waive that lasted about 4 days,that i know has something to do with the slow progress. During that heat waive my leaves looked like tacos. If anyone can help my out with some pointers that would be great. I was told i should PH my water to 6.8, raise ppm on nutes?....but not sure what i should do or what im doing wrong. Here are some picss



Well-Known Member
Im along for the grow. Ive always wanted to grow some of chems shit but ive been too far away from the region where those clones are passed around and havent found any good seeds of em for sale.

+rep for the startup

also you might need to bump up your N or drop your ph a bit? looks like N/P def
Im along for the grow. Ive always wanted to grow some of chems shit but ive been too far away from the region where those clones are passed around and havent found any good seeds of em for sale.

+rep for the startup

also you might need to bump up your N or drop your ph a bit? looks like N/P def
i picked up a soil ph meter today and my shit in the low 5's. from what i understand it should be around 6-7. buddy of mine told me i should add some dolimite lime to correct it so ill just see what happens. in the meantime i do want to give them a little more higher dose of nutes but so far im at a feed feed and i plan on doing a plain watering then go back to feed. how does that sound?


Well-Known Member
sounds good! dolomite lime is always good.

i usually go feed feed water over the course of a week or so and i always worked good for me.

i make the first dose the same as last watering. wait a few days for it to dry. add about 2x strength. wait a few days and see if they burn.

then i go with ph'd water with a little calmag and molasses just to give it some substance since i use R/O

then the next week, if the 2x strength didnt burn, that becomes the first dose and i see if i can double until i hit the nute burn wall haha.
ya its something that i new i would need but when i bought my soil from the store i asked dude that if i needed it and he said i was good without it and that the soil had what it needed. but when i check the bag it doesn't show lime in the ingredients. show have went with my gut feeling. how high do you get your ppms for soil?


Well-Known Member
i dont have a ppm meter. ordered one a while ago and lost it shortly after it arrived.

i just eyeball and learn from the plant. sucks for the first 2 runs of a new strain but its not too terrible. after that i usually have it dialed in and can get really consistent runs.