1st seed mail order!! im paranoid

so i broke down and placed an order for 5 feminized blue mystic seeds from nirvana.order status says shipped! now the hard part waiting......i hope they come through even though i live in the US.i hear realll good things about nirvana so we will see.
i only orders 5 seeds so its a small order.i did pay with my credit card-showed up thisipod.com on my statement.i did not ship to my house or in my name.shipped it to another state close to mine about 2 hours away. lol as soon as it comes (if it comes) ill be making that drive for sure and placing another order.


Legal Moderator, Esq.
yeah, honestly, I think you're waaaay too paranoid, if you're this bad now you're gonna be jumping at shadow trying to grow. Order from nirvana or attitude, get the super stealth with the tracking and the bonus item, and send it to your house. Worst thing that can happen is they confiscate them and you get a little yellow letter. If that happens attitude reships, dunno about nirvana, but 2 hours away, damn man, that's a lot of work for 5 seeds.


To be fair it sounds like you're making a lot of work from a little paranoia, like dannyboy said get a t-shirt with it rather than pay 4 hours worth of fuel


Well-Known Member
LOL, you are really paranoid! Another state? The most that would happen is they confiscate your seeds at Custom's and send you a letter. Next time go stealth and buy a t-shirt with the seeds and you will worry a lot less.


Well-Known Member
Good thinking, ship to another state so when the cops pounce on you at the mailbox now you're going to jail and court 2 hours from your home.

How convenient.


Well-Known Member
Good thinking, ship to another state so when the cops pounce on you at the mailbox now you're going to jail and court 2 hours from your home.

How convenient.
I think, I might be wrong, but isn't it better to be busted in ur own state? If u cross state lines to commit a crime does it not become a federal offense? And the Feds do not screw around.


Well-Known Member
You sayin there might be a problem with Intersate Trafficing with intent to commit a Federal Cultivation violation?
Watchu talkin bout Willis?
OMG, way to think this one through
better luck on your soil decision
Keep us posted though, tv sucks and this sounds like it could be entertaining


Legal Moderator, Esq.
I think, I might be wrong, but isn't it better to be busted in ur own state? If u cross state lines to commit a crime does it not become a federal offense? And the Feds do not screw around.
Technically it's only a fed. crime if they can bust you in the 2nd state on your way back with the seeds. Unless they pop conspiracy. Frankly I doubt they'd put the effort to charge him with felony trafficking for 5 seeds, but then again gramma didn't know she'd be arrested for downloading Backstreet Boys back in the day. All in all it's best just to order straight to your house with one of the stealth options, with your own name. Buy a disposable credit card if you're worried about it. They pretty much know they can't bust you for having seeds, I've never had one confiscated even when I ordered from that shady ass place that sends it in an envelope with 3 bulging tubes that just cries out OMG OPEN ME I'M ILLEGAL. Can't remember the name just that the seeds were pretty shitty and it was cheap as hell.
lol ok people.nirvana didnt give me an option for the shirt attitude does that.and i wont be the one recieving the package.i already have 3 plants and thats my reason not shipping to my own house.and there is no chance im getting busted over 5 seeds anywhere ill eat those quickly!! i just want then to arrive.i just dont want to waste my hard earned money and ive never ordereed seeds before


Active Member
So did they ever arrive cus i ordered from single seed centre about 10 days ago 1 seed was from nirvana. i hate waiting i just hope it arrives even though its taking long


New Member
I have never bought seeds online.

I have ordered T shirts and Mints though


If your from California. Go to a dispensarie