1st "real" grow.. Advise from experienced ppl appreciated


Well-Known Member
Quietguy its funny u mentioned that , I just flushed my white widow a few hrs ago, the breeders say I should harvest in 6 days. I prob will it looks the most done of all my plants , which is weird because according to breeders I should harvest my glp tomorrow, it still looks like it could use a lil more time.. but I'm gonna chop it down on Saturday pretty much no matter what
go a week past ur breeders times. if u cut too early u will end up stuck with just head change.


Active Member
Idk what to do with the trimmings.. I might make hash , but I want some potent shit , none if that black or dark green shit. But I don't wanna spend money on bubble bags and such bcuz Im not even going to be able to make a decent amount of gash with the amount of trimmings I have.. the cooking oils sounds good tho, I might make a cake.. this way I can get my tenant high (she had never smoked weed lol) and she won't even know it.
I found out you can make has with a blender Im gonna try that when I harvest my g13 cheese

Sims da smoker (Qboro)

Well-Known Member
Bombasticson, I got my trimmings but idk if I want to make cannabutter or hash, ill prob go with whatever is the easiest and cheapest .and being that I want high quality hash and don't want to buy bubble bags, nor will I use any real bud (just trimmings) I think I might go with the cannabutter. I was watching a bunch of YouTube videos on how to make it today.

Sims da smoker (Qboro)

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't mind getting another 400 watter or maybe a 600, cuz I really expected better light coverage with the 400 watts , its okay.. but its good for like 5-6 small plants (autos or really small indicas) or like 3-4 average size plants (under 3 & 1/2 ft) but for plants like my cotton candy (5 feet & over) it should only really have 1 or 2 plants under it .. (really 1 imo)

Sims da smoker (Qboro)

Well-Known Member
But I don't think I will have any major upgrades like a new light unless my current light breaks or I move to a legal state in which case I would prob buy 2 or 3 1000 watters and go in !!

Sims da smoker (Qboro)

Well-Known Member
@ anwall.. they are doing great.. my light is off so I will have to wait to take pics , but all 3 have now shown sex and are all female . I still can't get them the proper light coverage though .. they are basically living off of the 125 watt CFL grow light, and whatever little light that reaches them from my 400 watt hps which is really hanging over my cotton candy for the most part.. once I'm done flowering my cotton candy (which takes up like half of my grow space) I will have a lot more room and plenty of light for the other plants. Right now all plants are sitting on tables and sh*t so that the canopy can be even with the cotton candy which is a sky scraper! After the cc is done , I will put all that plants on the floor and lower my light


I told you bro. It's got more than an ounce brah easy. Go ahead get some more jars. Lol you gonna be straightfor a minute, buds looking a good and I think you got a half in that jar. And almost an ounce you left of the glp. IMO

Sims da smoker (Qboro)

Well-Known Member
8-9 grams

1/2 oz if they are really dense.
Nah, now that its not intact with the plant I am much better at judging weight.. its still difficult because its still a little wet , but I know its atleast 19-20 grams.. the cola alone is atleast 7 grams. I lost my scale , so I took my tenants scale that she used to weigh food .. it has to b wrong cuz it weighed my bud at 2oz now I doubt its that much , but I know a half oz when I see one , and this is atleast that , & then some

Sims da smoker (Qboro)

Well-Known Member
I told you bro. It's got more than an ounce brah easy. Go ahead get some more jars. Lol you gonna be straightfor a minute, buds looking a good and I think you got a half in that jar. And almost an ounce you left of the glp. IMO
Yea, I'd say between a half and a full oz, but I know I will be getting more off my white widow and cotton candy. I expect atleast an oz off my white widow , and an oz & 1/2 off my cotton candy.. now I don't want to get too over zealous but I'm thinking maybe even 2 0z of the cotton candy

C Cat

Well-Known Member
Idk what to do with the trimmings.. I might make hash , but I want some potent shit , none if that black or dark green shit. But I don't wanna spend money on bubble bags and such bcuz Im not even going to be able to make a decent amount of gash with the amount of trimmings I have.. the cooking oils sounds good tho, I might make a cake.. this way I can get my tenant high (she had never smoked weed lol) and she won't even know it.
Hash oil! Still looks good.Blaze any yet?

~C That Cat?:dunce: