1st real cfl grow. Hopefully I can make it into a journal.


Well-Known Member
Okay it is heavier that means my idea of dispersing it evenly will work out. Does adding CO2 mean my plants will be able to handle hotter environments because we are expecting a heat wave this week and I don't want any more heat stress than I already had.


Well-Known Member
Thnx thats good to know. I'll be adding some CO2 later today. I'm just reading up and deciding which will be the best design.


Well-Known Member
Just did my morning check up and they seemed to finally have noticed the nutes. 1 plant decided it was going to just flourish. Still no nute burn but they all grew over night. Starting to become nice and bushy.

Pics later I would take them now but to many people are over.


Active Member
Wish i could see the pics but i keep getting a photobucket message saying ''this photo or video has been moved or deleted'' anyone else?is there a way to change my browser settings to see?i really want to see your gurls/ cannibus porn rules