1st plant how is it looking?


Well-Known Member
It's looking healthy. And 6 weeks, so ya looks about right. Whats your Lighting scheme and cycle?


Active Member
my 1st plant its about a month and 2 weeks in.. How is it looking???

Not bad at all, leaves look a little droopy but other than that looks nice

You should put a fan by her if you havent, it'll make the stem thicker, so when those big buds do come in on your tree it hopefully wont snap

Looking good thobongsmilie:joint:


Active Member
i already have a little fan blowing air on it the whole time the lights are on
and what does it mean wen the leafs are droopy like that?????


Well-Known Member
Depends when you took the picture. Your plant is healthy.

During the sleep cycle, the plants leaves and stems relax causing minor droopage. Once the lights are on and temps are raised for the day period everything goes all perky again within a half hour,


man they are looking killer. i just started a few myself im hopeing at amonth they look like that!!!! what is your light cycle? what are you feeding them and using for soil?


Well-Known Member
u are slightly over waterind m8 let ur soil really dry up wen that shit happens dont completly soak ur soil because ur cfls arnent strong enough to dry the soil out so awter about every 3 to 4 days peace


Active Member
aii but not i got it under 7 cfls
and i use half ocean forest and half light warrior
i fed it grow big from ff

does light slow down newly planted seeds that havnt even broke ground?


Well-Known Member
no the light will not penatrate the soil jus make sure the seed is nice and snug bout half inch deep into the soil rep+ me if this helps ya out [peace]


Active Member
i already have a little fan blowing air on it the whole time the lights are on
and what does it mean wen the leafs are droopy like that?????

Even with lights off i'd still have a fan on it.
I leave them on 24/7 or whenever I feel ike turning them off.

If leaves droop a lot, more then they do in your picture then that's caused from over-watering.


Well-Known Member
LMAO!!!!! he is deff not over watered do not listen to that post (not being an ass) i am sure ur not over watered bro keep doin wat ur doing but please do get more lights


Active Member
LMAO!!!!! he is deff not over watered do not listen to that post (not being an ass) i am sure ur not over watered bro keep doin wat ur doing but please do get more lights

Well it was just for future reference, not to mention he was asking what droopy leaves meant. I said from the looks of the picture it somewhat looks as if it had been, & if they drooped anymore then they already look in the picture then that's caused from over-watering.