1st Plant Cut Guess Dry Weight


Well-Known Member
Just finished my smallest and 1st plant, got two more much larger ones to go but thought I'd throw a couple of pics up to show the first fruits of my labor. The two pics are the total amount hung out to dry, what do you reckon the dry weight will be?



Well-Known Member
Thats a big difference from 3/4 of a pound, looking forward to finding out, keep the guesses coming bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
i say a half pound.

i enjoy this kind of thread way more than the "how much will i yield off this 2 week old seedling?"


Active Member
Yeah, too much coffee, 3/4 might be a bit high. I guess it'd really depend on the density...but I'll stay optimistic for you :D


Well-Known Member
LOL so true! Still its painful seeing all that beautiful bud hanging and smelling so sweet and having to wait just a little longer till I get to sacrifice them beauties for my own pleasure.


Well-Known Member
Or "I reckon I can get 2lbs from this PC grow what do you guys think?" Hmmm maybe if your growing lead!