Now, I will say this is a hack of a job on my part---largely since my life is busy/complex right now. And, the seeds I started didn't take 10 days to crack open! I thought I'd have more time to get the case done/online like I wanted it but my timeline got accelerated by the seeds.
yes, bag seed from a buddy---believe it's an indica strain but of course no real clue. I took 8 of them, and tried to "soak" them (read that was a good idea on here somewhere). Well they all floated and in theory that was a bad sign. Anyway, took those 8 after about 6 hours soak, put them in a wet paper towel and put that in a screw-on-top tupperware container. I then put that on top of my modem (slightly warm) and figured I had a few days to get my stuff together on the case. Next day though 7 of the 8 had cracked and were showing a root! yikes!
not ideal---too small really and I have to cut/remove somehow the bays for mounting drives. I am not a welder and don't have access to that kind of gear. My plan B is at this point to work on acquiring a better case to move to vs. hacking this one further. The case is 8"x 8" x 20"---pretty tight but for now I think it'll work till more growth is happening.
currently using (2) 26W 6500 CFLs---mounted about 4" away from the tops. I will likely go to more powerful ones when I re-work the case. I plan on doing a 12/12 perpetual, but for now am 18/6 until they get a bit bigger, and ready to LST (v12---what do you think??).
I took the 7 cracked seeds and put them in a "Jiffy pot peat starter" tray thing---you add water to the little peat starter circles and they expand. I dug out a little space and dropped the 7 babies into them. All of them came up---so I choose 2 (crossing fingers) to continue with.
Watch them be 2 males!! I took the best looking 2 established in their little peat pots and put them into rectangular, plastic containers using some Ortho? brand "Organic Soil". I wanted something without nutes in it and this stuff sounded healthier and was only $1 more than the regular "potting soil".
forgot--I took a page from TheBlisters and constructed a space behind the grow space to park the power strip. I have that feeding the lights power strip (lights are pointing down) and (2) 12v adapters tied to (2) 80mm fans for exhaust. I have no intake fans at this time---figured negative pressure would take care of input. The 2 bulbs keep the space warm, but not really hot.
Again, this is a hack I did in about 2 hours of labor and it still needs work. Probably $60 in material outside of recycled. I need to find a better case though---that is the big to-do now. The 2 plants look pretty healthy, though tiny.
9/9 wet seeds (

9/10 cracked (7)
9/11 peat pots
9/12 mounted lights, initial case placement
9/14 current "final" case config, 2 plants active. 18/6 under (2) 26W 6500 CFLs.
I'm going to try to make this case work for the next couple of weeks while I find/build out a better case. Not sure when I'll go to 12/12, but would love to take a clone and start the perpetual once these get closer to flowering.
Total noob to all this! I've got a couple sh*tty photos of the babies. Couldn't find my good camera. I'll try to keep this updated, but like I said my schedule is a bit nuts right now. Any/all feedback welcome!!
I started this thread/question over in the Rollitup PC Gang---good folks!---and found the journal section finally!--thanks again.
Also---this will be sporadically updated---my schedule is nuts right now, so catch as catch can. I'll def. be back with questions as this goes along.
Thanks, GT