1st outdoor grow upstate NY

yea same here.....im upstate NY and im geting rain for like 10 fucking days....its deff to early to chp though.....im gonna try to stick it out til late oct...i have no choice really...they are in pots...any ideas on what to do when it gets cold out? if i can bring them in and put them out at sunrise? i have no clue, this is my first grow.....i know i CANT interrupt the dark period thats for sure....ima post some pics as soon as i figure out how to and hopefully someone can help me out....with all this rain im worried about mold and such.....
My last ladys didn't get a stich of mold!!! Not sure why my one 7 ft'r got it.....Anyways it was a shitty outdoor season...But the weather in my closet is perfect!!! haha