1st Outdoor Grow So Cal


Hey Fellas this year i decided to do an outdoor grow finally. The majority of the plants look healthy as can be but a few leaves are yellowing and then dryin out. Was thinkin maybe its the heat burnin them.. Last week it reached about 105 F certain days here.. Any other possible reasons? The 4 biggest were put in the ground May 3rd and the 2 smaller clones were just put in on May 29th. Thx

There are
2 Trainwrecks from seed...
1 Woody Harrellson from seed..
3 Lemon Skunk x Og #18 S1 clones (these 3 are already budding at the end of the row)



I also just realized i have a problem with some tiny caterpillars on the lemon skunk plant that's budding any help on how to get rid of them would be helpful. I have concentrated Organocide but i read somewhere that it makes the buds permanently smell like the fish oil..

Any help on how to get rid of them would be appreciated.. I used the Organocide 4 days ago but the guys are still choppin away on the leaves. :(


Well-Known Member
What a weird creepy little avatar...Safer makes a BT spray that is for catapillars, doesn't even smell like fish...lol...Definately wanna take care of that though. Fucking hot down here, huh bro? Leaf yellowing, maybe heat damage...I don't know, I got the same thing going on with one of my plants. Just make sure they get plenty to drink when we have these triple digit heat waves and they should pull through just fine.


yeah its hot as hells man least today we are gettin a break from the triple didgets. I have them on a drip system for an everyother day watering and on the extremely hot days i will go hand feed them:) thx for the response though


Well-Known Member
no prob, dawg...that BT shit works pretty well, and it's cheap too...I think they sell it at Home Depot, and definately sell it as O.S.H. and it's only like 8 or 9 bucks


Well-Known Member
And, start spraying ALL of your plants with BT asap. Hopefully it's not too late.

Those don't appear to be acting like budworms, tho. Budworms usually burrow inside your buds and eat inside - not hanging out in the open and chewing on leaves. Either way, BT works on more than just budworms. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
I know the heat you guys are talking about! I am in the dessert and its like 100 plus degree's out here sucks. Some of my blue dream has a few leaves that look like they might of got burnt. Even with this insane heat my smart pots hold the water in for days at a time. I just felt my soil amd down a half inch or inch its like mud! lol.

Btw the the girls look great!


Thanks Ill go out and get some of that Safer BT stuff this week.. I sprayed all the plants with the Organocide but i still had the catapillars and the stuff stank pretty bad