1st out door greenhouse 2014


Looking good! Where these clones or from seed im starting over clones went intp flowering -.- just got some loud dream seeds from the seed bank last night cant wait


Well-Known Member
Yea they were clones, An they started off having lil sings of flower.. But my buddy said jus hit em With N not no pK when i feed an that seemed to help, nothing seriouse as you can see there fine an are veging more an more everyday. Ill post closer up pictures here soon.


yea ive been hitting mine with start nitrogen feeds but there still flowering fucking annoying your plants going to be monster if there vegging right now shoot just give me one lol I did a coco vs ocean fox farm grow and the coco looks a way more happier then the one in soil and I hear good things about how plants thrive in coco cause better oxygen to the roots why didn't you use smart pots? also what size of gallon are you going to have them finish in


Well-Known Member
10gal smart pots after these ones.. might even go to 15 or 20 depends havnt made my mind up.. but ya I like soiless lot better then oganic soils.. I use sunshine mix #4 love the drain flow on it. Good for price too


dang your plants are getting huge, I started some seeds since my clones are flowering already and they might take the whole dam summer to reveg wasting a lot of veg time keep the thread going plants look nice!


Well-Known Member
Ended up taking some inside to flower.. an slacked off on transplanting for awile.. but there gettin there. There now in 15gal.. they should get way bigger now.. an jus waiting for my youins to grow to toss em there 15 gallons pots.. but what yall think? Not to shabby for WA state outdo



Well-Known Member
Havn't loged on here fore awile sorry im a slacker I know.. Got a DUI an been jumping threw hoops with the courts ( HAD TO STOP TOKING :finger::wall:).. But I will post pics tomarrow. There 1month into flower an nuggin up mighty fine! Ended up switching to Botanicare nutrients, Growilla line, easy top feed process.. Jus sprinkle layer on top an water it in an re apply every 10-14 days works great... Plants are doing good.. They got huge.. Got a little Gnat or Fruit fly problem but don't seem to a issue with the plants there doing fine.. But I got some Purpling going on an nice sized nugs.. Ill post pics tomarrow.. Promise!


Well-Known Member
Having alota yellowing goin on.. think its due to the cold but sure.. but not bad i dont think for my 1st go around.. next yr ill kno more an come across less issues im sure of it..


Lota yellow on the berry delight but some purp..1411323898675.jpg


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