1st Non-Crappy Grow!


Well-Known Member
Not much to report, leaf size has doubled, new leaves starting. Having some sort of brown spot or something of the kind. Trying to get some pictures, hopefully one of you can help out. I'm thinking its something in this cheap soil.


Well-Known Member
The only problem I can think is...bugs. Brown spotting on the leaves look like they're dying. My skunk has it's new leaves looking purple/"not green" and doesn't seem to be growing. Needless to say...it's got me worried. The only one that looks excellent is the Syrup. Heard of some people having success with bug treatment with using a very diluted soap remedy, so I'll be trying that later.

I don't have money to buy any neem oil or anything like that, right now. Will be doing so when they head outside. Any household items that are effective please post here. Thanks a million. +rep for help


Well-Known Member
Just watered the "hurt" plants with some water with a few drops of soap mixed in. Not really seeing any bugs, none tried to escape after watering and none were showing themselves under the first inch or so of soil. The 2 autos are doing fine so they just got their regular dose of tap water.

I have NOT used any nutes being they're only about a week old, just soil. The container I am using to start them off is only about a foot high...got roughly an inch or so between the light and the plant, temps stay in between 75-80.

Going to try to figure out a way to raise these lights in a way where I don't have to reconstruct the box or a new one. Hopefully have good results after all this to show you all.


Well-Known Member
Ok, well I've done some reading and I think that my pH is off. (never really put much thought towards pH in any grow, now it's a problem) So I'm definitely thinking it's the soil but again, still unsure. Will be going out this week to get something to test the pH.

Checking under the leaves for spider mites just in case.


Active Member
yeah you might also want to check the quality of your water with a PPM / EC meter 300+ is VERY BAD (home depot does water tests for free its a common thing to request). Ph is a VERY big issue that will ultimately determine how much your yield will be


Well-Known Member
Hmm..did not know that home depot would check your waters pH for you.

Yea, I didn't really have any bugs but maybe 1 or 2 that got into my box, so I'm thinking it's the pH. That, and they look like death, especially my skunk. I'll get some pictures up later on and hopefully I'll get a few legit answers. Getting a soil test kit and a typical pool pH tester today along with something better for dirt when they go outside this weekend.

Also, I'm going to look around my local nursery and see if they have any good liquid nutes. If not, I'll be sticking with BMO, have to move so ordering something now is not ideal.

Keep checking in.


Active Member
naw not the water ph just the PPM how the quality of water is to make sure there isnt to much salts. I want to give you some caution that the leaves probably wont repair themselves and once the problem levels off you will need to remove leaves (dont untiil the problem stops)


Well-Known Member
Never had a problem with pH so yea this is new to me. New leaves on the plants look great, and you're right..I will lose those leaves that were injured. Except the skunk, it is looking at least 80% better.

Have to figure out a way to move the lights up without starting anew. Any ideas?

Got some simple "pond strips" for checking the pH, they should closely do the job. Will be checking the water out tomorrow. Let you know then. And thanks for coming back all the time, fallinprince.


Well-Known Member
pH of my water is pretty high, somewhere around 7.5-8.5, only could get pond test strips for now. Soil pH is still unknown so I will be transplanting them into a soil I know better. I will also be raising the lights somewhere around 3-5 inches and giving the box a good scrub with peroxide.

I have a few things to do today, but I will be getting pictures up as soon as possible. I'm pretty sure now that this is a pH problem but still looking for experienced opinions.

Also, if anyone has any ideas or can point me in the right direction of a 3x3x6 stealth grow box, homemade, that would be great. I have a few ideas of my own, and am working on drawing it up and if I think it's amazing then I'll post it here and in the grow room design section.

Be back in a few hours with pictures. Stay tuned.


Well-Known Member
Well on another note, DO NOT WATCH INSIDIOUS, let alone BUY IT. That movie was complete shit. How dare they compare it to the OG Poltergeist!!!


Well-Known Member
Will water again tomorrow, will check pH of distilled water beforehand. About to take pictures now, before I go to bed (after that SHIT OF A MOVIE). I'll get those up with-in the hour. PLEASE HELP IF I'M WRONG! Not many responses and this is my first journal here. Again, NEVER had a pH problem.

Transplanting into different soil tomorrow and raising the lights after I take the pictures. Thanks for any input in advance.


Active Member
Haha sorry to hear about the shitty movie i avoided that particular one (as i get into movies free its a big deal cuz i watch everything). Your tap water ph is probably 7.0 on the dot mine always is. you probably only need to lower the ph a little (keep in mind PH down is really strong 2 drops per gallon can lower it around .5) if you want the p.h of the soil just simply test the water that drains out the bottom


Well-Known Member
Will test the run-off next watering, if they survive. They're looking pretty bad today, getting worried. I have serious money issues so getting things I need isn't always possible, and I definitely need some different soil. Probably going to use miracle grows seed starter mix to transplant into until I can afford a more complex organic soil.

Hopefully they survive, my plants are telling me they need help badly.


Well-Known Member
Got the MG seed starter mix. Will be transplanting into the MG tonight, trying to let the soil dry out that they're in now to transplant so I can knock as much of the "crap soil" off I can. WILL get pictures of them after the transplant to show you all how the plants have reacted to this soil.

This was completely my fault and I hope they forgive me for it. I raised the lights the other night but, too much. Will drop roughly 3 inches.


Well-Known Member
Sorry rollitup, turned out to be a crappy grow. Too many problems in life right now. Will be back when I get my own place to do indoor. Until then the rest of you, KEEP IT GROWING. Might keep my autos going, unsure, but won't be posting about it.



Active Member
no worries man keep your head up just get a good ph and ppm meter and some really good dirt (foxfarm or sunshine mix #4) when you have spare cash so you have everything ready for another attempt