1st Journal 2nd Grow 23,600 Lumen CFL's **PICS**


Active Member
Here we go....

Veg cabinet:

  • Mother plants (Pics 1-4): So here they are after their haircuts and such. These plants have been doing their jobs just fine providing great cuttings every time.
  • 2 Seedlings (Pic 5): These are the same seedlings as in the organic tub grow. They are in veg as opposed to 12/12 from seed so they are a little ahead on growth compared to their brothers/sisters. The blades on the leaves count up perfectly, what I mean is that the first leaves of course had 1 blade then the second 3 then 5 then 7... normally it might go 1,3,3,5,5, or 1,2,5,5,5,7 or something like that. Right? Well I have a feeling the genetics of this bagseed might not be to bad after all. I did get the bud from a clinic so it might've been a good strain.
  • 3 Vegging Dream Star clones... (Pic 6): not much else to say about these...
  • 2 Pineapple Thai.... (Pic 7)
  • 2 White Widow.... (Pic 8)
  • 1 Sour Deisel... (Pic 9)
  • Male Reveg... (Pic 10)
  • The cloner lid full o' clones (Pic 11): This cloner is working wonderfully... and it is so compact. I see people using 5 gallon buckets, sure the clones may be bigger but I don't think the size of the res matters that much on bubble cloners. Just the smaller the res the more maintenence... (cleaning, changing water etc.)
  • Entire veg cabinet full to the brim.... (Pic 12)

  • 3 Dream Star (Pic 13): Oldest clones, put in on Oct. 8th so that makes them 4 weeks flowering yesterday.
  • 2 Sour diesel and a Pineapple Thai (Pic 14): Second oldest put in on October 15th so that would make them 3 weeks flowering yesterday... The Pineapple thai got too tall so I supercropped it at the main branch and its been growing back up the past few days... The Sour D are doing just fine....
  • 2 Pineapple Thai and a Dream Star (Pic 15): Third oldest put in on October 28th so... a little over 2 weeks flowering.
  • 2 White Widow and a Dream Star (Pic 16): Youngest clones put in yesterday....
  • Pic of whole flowering cab... (Pic 17)

  • My outdoor potted Pineapple Thai (Pic 18): Just for fun
Rubbermaid tub:

  • 4 seedlings same seeds as in veg cab, 1 Dream Star clone, 1 Pineapple Thai clone (Pic 19): Both clones have been lst'd due to height restrictions. All are 12/12 from seed/clone....

Anybody who's reading this, thanks for reading. Any and all suggesetions are welcome, I still consider myself very new to all of this and if any pro's out there see something I'm doing that's wrong please let me know...

Also you may notice that my clones are all different heights when they go into flower and I am doing this on purpose, also I am keeping a record of every plants height every few days so as to find the right starting height for each strain so I don't run out of headroom too quick..

A prefect example would be the Pineapple Thai that got too tall. She was started at 8 inches and quickly grew to a foot and then more. So a couple weeks later (as you can see in the pic's and description of the flowering plants) I started 2 more Pineapple Thai one at 5.5" one at 4".

I am doing this so I can find the "sweet spot" of each strain as learned from Dr.BudGreenGenes micro 16 oz cup growing. Yielding an oz off of a plant with little to no veg time and grown in 16 oz cup sounds good to me. Make it perpetual and ill never have to pay for bud again. :0

P.S. Sorry for the lack of update the past few days I've been too busy with work and such...
P.P.S. I don't want to make you strain your necks but when my pic's are on my computer there all right side up then when I upload them some turn. How do I fix this....



Active Member
the reason your leafs are looking like that, i dont no the full out reason but i do no that when my leafs are touching dirt or somthing wett they go just like yours,. good luck


Well-Known Member
hey lookin good! got some nice genetics in there...am currently on my second run with cfls..always nice to see another cfl grow!
subd! +rep


Active Member
So every thing is filling up nicely. I swapped my top cabinet with my bottom because of height issues. My Veg cabinet was the taller cabinet and the flower was shorter and I needed the height for my flowering plants.

Another thing pertaining to that is the top cabinet is hotter than the bottom so my veg plants will need to get used to it, overall I like using the bottom for flower and as I built this cabinet I had that in the back of my head as a possible change later on.

So I have pictures of every single plant and a lot has happened since the last update.... so let's get started...

Flowering Cabinet (I will list the age, height, and name of each plant as it appeares in my weekly measurement tablet):

  • Dream Star A- Day 40- 11" (Picture 1)
  • Dream Star B- Day 40- 10" (Picture 2)
  • Dream Star C- Day 40- 11" (Picture 3)
  • Dream Star D- Day 21- 12" (Picture 4)
  • Dream Star E- Day 12- 12" (Picture 5)
  • Pineapple Thai A- Day 33- 12" (bent over) (Picture 6)
  • Pineapple Thai B- Day 21- 10" (bent over) (Picture 7)
  • Pineapple Thai C- Day 21- 12" (Picture 8)
  • Pineapple Thai D- Day 3- 8" (Picture 9)
  • Pineapple Thai E- Day 3- 7.5" (Picture 10)
  • Sour Diesel A- Day 33- 12" (Picture 11)
  • Sour Diesel B- Day 33- little over 12" (Picture 12)
  • Sour Diesel C- Day 3- 7.5" (Picture 13)
  • White Widow A- Day 12- 10" (Picture 14)
  • White Widow B- Day 12- 7" (Picture 15)
All of the flowering plants are doing good except the height restrictions. I am still working on how large to grow the plant before I flower but I figure once I have plants at ALL stages of life I can dial in my training. I am guessing ill have buds by christmas (I hope). The Dream Star is almost getting passed up by the Sour Diesel. I think the Dream Star is a pure sativa or at least pretty close cause its flowering pretty slow. But I don't mind the wait, I'm sure it will be great when ready.
Veg Cabinet:
  • White Widow Mother- (Picture 16)
  • Sour Diesel Mother- (Picture 17)
  • Pineapple Thai Mother- (Picture 18)
  • Dream Star Mother- (Picture 19)
  • 3 Dream Star clones- (Picture 20,21,22)
  • White widow clone- (Picture 23)
  • 2 small plants from seed- (Picture 24)
  • Male plant- (Picture 25)
  • 3 freshly taken clones (one Pineapple Thai, one Dream Star, one Sour Deisel) (Pictures 26,27,28 respectively)
I apologize for the thirsty condition of my veg plants... I watered them right after I took the pic's so they ought to be fine in an hour or so... When is a good time to put my mothers outdoor for them not to flower. Sometime in spring but when is the sooonest. If I could keep my mothers outdoors I would have a lot more space in the veg
cabinet. Other than that everythings doing allright. As long as I pull 2 clones out a week I'm happy and so far I've gotten 3 a week so I think I can keep it up.
Organic Rubbermaid Tub Grow:
  • All 4 seeds are 12/12 from seed and have all showed sex, and they are all female! Yes I'm serious. I feel like I wont the lottery with that mystery gram from the clinic. 4 females! out of 6 plants (the other 2 are the ones in veg). If the other 2 are female I'm gonna shit a brick. Other than that the Pineapple Thai and Dream Star clones are doing great and starting to stink a little :D. I had to L.S.T. to keep them away from the lights but I planned to do that from the beginning so no surprises. (Picture 29)
Outdoor Potted Pineapple Thai:
  • This plant is doing wonderful. I had it in a shady area cause I was feeling paranoid but I got over it and put it against my light grey garage. Lots and lots and lots of light alll day in this spot so its been doing better. I am hoping some bud may turn purple with the cold winter nights. I found a parrallel node on one of the branches. Is this odd, i thought parrallel nodes were only found on plants from seed. I'm not worried or anything just curious. If anyone knows about this please let me know. (Picture 30 is the plant, Picture 31 is the parrallel node)

As the cabinet fills up its more and more work to pull everything out take pictures and write this up. I am aiming for weekly updates but its hard so if I don't update ill still answer any questions and I still check the journal daily. So if i dont update for a week or two I didn't abandon it. I cant wait for bud but I'm glad that it is all filling up and I'm starting to see buds.

dsa.jpgDsb.jpgdsc.jpgdsd.jpgdse.jpgpta.jpgptb.jpgptc.jpgptd.jpgpte.jpgsda.jpgsdb.jpgsdc.jpgwwa.jpgwwb.jpgwwmom.jpgsdmom.jpgPIneapple tha mom.jpgdsmom.jpgdreamstarveg1.jpgdreamstarveg.jpgdreamsterveg2.jpgwhitewidwoveg.jpg2fromseedvege.jpgmaleveg.jpgpineapple thai fresh clone.jpgdsfreshclone.jpgsd freshclone.jpgIMG_0476.jpgpt outdoor.jpgparallel node.jpg

And last but not least. Just for fun. What is everyones favorite plant of mine.


Active Member
So my cabinet is growing good.... Ive been busy so heres a quick update.

Pics are dream star and sour diesel. The sour diesel are the 2nd oldest but flowering quicker than the dream star. The dream star are the oldest they are the 3 lined up ones.

I pulled my mothers out and replaced with clones. they are doing dandy/

The last pic is of my organic rubbermaid tub 4 seeds 12/12 from seed and 2 clones.

and a friends cat with a joint...IMG_0496.jpgIMG_0500.jpgIMG_0499.jpgIMG_0502.jpgIMG_0505.jpgIMG_0506.jpgIMG_0503.jpgIMG_0498.jpgIMG_0501.jpgIMG_0497.jpgIMG_0504.jpgIMG_0477.jpg