1st indoor.slow going. PICs<input welcome>


Active Member
Ok I guess ill start with the basics. Handed down some seeds which I have zero history on. Germinated in paper towel, took about 4to5 days for first tap root.Planted in miracle grow premium seed starting potting mix (0.0-0.01-0.0).Water and soil Ph test @ 5/6.
I have to say I wasn't expecting a grow so I put together what I could find for now.
Using 1 cfl 1600 lumens 23w cool white <more fixtures and warm light to come in days> lighting on a 18 on 6 off cycle. Negative pressure fan system,outlet on top inlet bottom side corner. Temp steady between 20*c and 30*c. Watering frequently with a spray bottle when soil says it needs it ;) My humidity varies between 30% and 70% , can't seem to keep it stable with my conditions. I haven't been able to find any mylar.:evil:

Question: #1 -Plant #2 What is happening to the leaves on my sprouts.One has a good looking curl to it and what seems to be like a burn. The other plant#1 has a yellow spot and a little hole on one leave.

#2 - When should I start the nutes with these potential ladies.

#3 - How long untill true leaves start showing. I am 7 days since sprouting and im not seeing much in the middle.

I Will Post the Pics for you to comment.



Well-Known Member
give them a week. they can start out a little slow but once they get going they really take off. hold off on nutes for awhile. a lot of sprouts get curls and little bits of damage. it's a phase of growth. they usually straighten themselves out after a week or so. they look good so far.


Well-Known Member
Diggla first of all you love the grow box. Red Green would be proud of all the duck tape. Just water for now and when you put them out side pound them with nitrogen rich fert. just my opinion


Active Member
Thanks for the replys. Duck tape all the way lol . I honestly wasn't expecting these old seeds to do anything so when they sprouted the box was made in minutes.

I know tinfoil is bad and causes hotspots and other probs. But without being able to find mylar is there something I can do with foil? like really smooth it out.


Well-Known Member
you can find mylar in camping section of most stores {emergencyblanket}in most first aid kit's are mylar


Active Member
So would you say it is better to use foil (really smooth it out) rather than having nothing?, just plain cardboard. Also how long in veg would you recommend before going outside?


Active Member
thanks for the input. Anybody have any suggestions about topping or LST while im vegging. Ive been reading about it but not 100&#37;

Got bored today . here are some pics of the latest sprout shedding the seed..



Well-Known Member
it's like having to look at the baby pictures of your co-workers new child. everyday. j/k. enjoy, enjoy, enjoy !!


Active Member
Yeah I thought it might be a little much. ooh well, new camera jitters. Ill wait till there is some progress untill I post more pics.

So anyone have any thoughts on LST and or topping while im in the veg cycle before I put them outside?


Active Member
this is almost the exact same setup as my grow. i am 7 days along now (since very beginning of germination) and mine are 2 to 4 inches with a "leafspan" of about an inch or so.

i think it would really help to line that cardboard box with something white at least, since white reflects light as well as mylar. i am using a cardboard box too, but mine is slightly smaller. also, i am using one 23 watt cfl, but mine is slightly further away from the plants. bottom of box is tinfoil and all sides are white paper, and there is a reflector above the light. you should try and improve lighting as much as possible by covering everything in the box with something white or reflective.

man our grows have so much in common. check out my journal if you want:

apparently there is no need to use html. sweet


Well-Known Member
If you top them after the 3rd or 4th node is fully developed they will turn into bushy beasts and grow many colas!..mine is really bushy and has 8 cola's and a bunch of smaller budsite

I'm not gonna even recommend Lst since your going outside..
cute baby pics btw


Active Member
Well it was slow to start off. I would not suggest starting in peat pot which i did. It seemed to slow the growth alot due to the outside of the pot drying. I have since moved into 6'' pots and have now transplanted them into larger pots and they seem to be doing better. Ive decided that im not going to put them outside anymore due to lack of secure places. Seems like Got a few different strains, what does everyone think?



Active Member
some closer pics for you to see. out of 15 bag seeds 4 ended up giving me life. I am going to add some more lights as soon as I can. If your wondering about all the perelite, my soil is not mixed like that, it is properly mixed I just put some extra on the top.One of the plants got root locked as I did not transfer it soon enough as you can see by the curled and discolored tips.

Q 1 ;I would like some suggestions on when to hit them with the nutes.?? they are about 3 weeks young rite now.
Q 2 ;When should I top these?
Q 3 ;and finally when should I start to flower. I do not have a seperate room for sexing.



Well-Known Member
you can actually start feeding them with a Veg fert right about now, you dont really have to since things are looking so nice, but you can.

Example schedule:

week 3 I'd start off at about 1/4 strength and see how they liked it
week 4 if they take it well then you can bump it up to half strength
week 5 then full strength, by the next week you should be ready for flowering

Fowering 1 so cut back to half strength Veg ferts for the first week of FLOWERING..
Flowering 2 then for the second week of flowering give them 1/4 strength flowering ferts
Flowering 3 the next week 1/2
Flowering 4 the next week full strength
Flowering 5 the next week cut back to half
Flowering 6 the next week begin to flush
Flowering 7 the next week flush again
Flowering 8 *harvest*


Well-Known Member
Mylar? YES!!!

Aluminum foil? NO!!!!!

looking good so far.. post again when they are budding.. hah


Active Member
thanks.. I did now know that I could flower so soon.. When should I top these and if I LST can I veg for longer and produce more>??