1st Hydro- Purp Erk Ind Dwc Drip System 400Whps


New Member
Thanks man! They're both purple erkel its just kinda a bumper to keep supply up while my seeds finish dryin up. Then imma start them up and they are afghooeyxerkel f6's hopin they finally be stable and uniform,


Well-Known Member
i'm doin some seeds mysef currently,got pollen from my querkle,purple wreck and bluemoonshine put bak.jus made some personal strain" double BB moonshine"pollenated a bluemoonshine male to a bb, seeing BM is already crossed with BB , crossed it again with a real rok hard kushy BB branch.high yielder at that.hopefully the seeds do well.i'm doin a few other also currently.


New Member
Sounds good. Just don't expect knock out results the first few times. Take lots and lots of notes every grow. Find only the supreme even if it takes a few grows. Make sure and backcross for stability ur patience will pay off. And most importantly keep it clean. Not like ur house clean like a fuckin biolab clean. Lol.


New Member
Bump. Just picked up a cheapy ph test kit the drop kind. Better than nothing, but I also picked up some ph down and the guy hit me with some samples of beastie bloom open sesame and cha ching and also super flush but I prolly won't use that one.anyone know if these are ok to use? I was thinking a week with an then the next with fox farm and so on anyone know if this is pointless? Lol


New Member
Bump. Lowered there ph and gave them some h2o2 after covering the lid with black plastic again and the roots are a healthy white again as well the ladies put on some vertical overnight pics:

Its kinda a fun game. I move the hygrometer into the open then when I go back it has been consumed by the plant again lol I can't believe I wasted so much time in soil thinking an inch a day was amazing lol.
Looks like a great journal...cant wait to see how you do...i am new to dwc...currently starting my first grow with my first homemade dwc....before this it was a year and a half with an ebb and flow...the science behind it all is awesome!!!!


New Member
Looks like a great journal...cant wait to see how you do...i am new to dwc...currently starting my first grow with my first homemade dwc....before this it was a year and a half with an ebb and flow...the science behind it all is awesome!!!!
Nice! Post a link to ur jpournal if u got one I don't mind. This is my first go about in water and like I said I can't believe I ever touched soil. Even without all the fancy hydro tools and all the top shelf nutes I'm seeing growth that u can't even touch in soil. Blows my mind. Gl with ur groq like I said make a log ill be sure and scribe and help when possible. What strains ya runnin?
Nice! Post a link to ur jpournal if u got one I don't mind. This is my first go about in water and like I said I can't believe I ever touched soil. Even without all the fancy hydro tools and all the top shelf nutes I'm seeing growth that u can't even touch in soil. Blows my mind. Gl with ur groq like I said make a log ill be sure and scribe and help when possible. What strains ya runnin?

I don't have a journal up yet, but it is on my list of things to do. Right now i'm working with some gdp. I will try and get a journal up tomorrow. Today is water change day.


New Member
Nice nice. Be sure and take a pic before the water change. It will blow ur mind what kind of growth an airbath for the roots seems to put on. By far my favorite part of hydro except the heavy lifting. Definetly make a journal I'd love to get some gdp one day so ill be watchin for it for sure. Happy smokin


New Member
Bump bump. Got to some wireless for a few so I got to put my own weed in my avy lol and I added pics from the last grow to my photoalbum as well as started a "good picture" album on this grow. They're both on my profile albums. Added a couple pics from today as well. Happy smokin


New Member
:D tied the bitches as flat with to the tote lis as possible without breaking them into 100 pieces lol one more day so they can rear their heads toward the light and ill make the switch. Get tuned and stayed tuned. Its about to get good or go horribly. Either way I need ya here lol. Bump for pics. Threw in another node shot for u perverts out there ;)
http://s594.photobucket.com/albums/tt23/erkelsgoo/?action=view&current=IMG00550.jpg enjoy and bump if ur baked ( I got no medicine for a week or two so u fuggers better smoke one for me ) :joint: roll on!


Well-Known Member
I am subs to this looks like a nice grow. I need to start learning how to tie my babies down. I think that would help mine out a lot, do you just use hemp twine or what? Also do you foliar feed I have been looking into starting this with my plants I am not sure tho, wanted to get some more feedback before I started doing it.


New Member
Indeed! Set up a hydro bucket ill be happy to walk u through anything I can. I do use hemp. No specific reason really. Peopl us fishing line yarn even lead weights just depend on what ya got. As for tyin the down. If ur in soil I would water and wait a few hours so they're a little more limber to prevnt snappin any branches off (it will happen eventually don't freak just root it or toss it). But I'm also fimming and topping. I clone in flower so I put them under 24/0 after they've rooted. After about a week I will fim it then I top at least each cola twice all the while keepin them going out horizontally the en result should be several colas forming a circle hopefull with dense enough nugs for me to pour a bowl of cereal in the middle lol


Well-Known Member
haha that sounds nice. i am going to have to start a completly different set up on my next grow which I want it to be a hydro grow. Well I am going to head to the co-op right now and maybeeee get a new clone. I want to look at a couple and find a good one.


New Member
Wait wait wait... U still don't quite have ur room dialed I'd hate to see u throw away money and a good clone! I would say take what u learn from this one revise ur set up dial it in then put some dough on genetics. Don't wanna discourage u though. If u do go balls deep ill be happy to help. But I think it would save u some money and stress in the long run. Definetly checkout anything by roseman or stinkbud very reputable and willing to help hydro gods if u dare. I basically jacked the stealth hydro systems idea there's a loose step by step on page 1 but many other informative ones just search dwc or bubbleponics diy. Glad to have ya on board though now let's hope all goes well rather than derailing. :joint: