1st growbox design

Dr. Jon

Well-Known Member
Hello folks. I'm a new member here, and I have some questions about a new grow box I am planning to build this weekend. After looking at all the commercial grow cabinet setups that run well into the thousands, I have figured out all you folks are right - you can build a better setup cheaper yourself.

With that in mind, I have about 1.3 million questions. First, my plan is a very small grow cabinet. I am thinking for this first one a box 2' x 2' x 7' tall. I'd like a small vegetative spot on top, and a larger flowering space on the bottom. I'd also like to start really cheap and possibly upgrade as I go along, assuming I don't immediately kill everything I plant. With that, I was thinking of starting with a soil grow. If I go with four 2.5 gallon pots, will that give me room to grow 4 plants up to about the 3-1/2 foot size I will have room for? Also, in a 2' x 2' box, will a 125 watt CFL be enough lighting to start? I am thinking a CFL avoids heat problems early on, so that I can probably avoid ventilation fans, etc. To get a quick and dirty start, building the box, buying a 125 watt CFL and some pots, soil and seeds seems like it would get me going. Anything else I need?

I will plan to buy nutrients once I get going. Also, down the line, I may switch to hydro if I think I can manage it after this first grow. I will probably install a small ducting fan once I have the box up and running, too. Any major points I am missing here?


Active Member
Hey, good luck. And you would still want some ventilation, plant breathes out O2 and needs to get some fresh CO2. And 125w for beginning sounds good. Even better to get few smaller once and put each one REALLY close. But I've seen great grow with single 65w cfl.

Dr. Jon

Well-Known Member
Thanks! I ended up installing a 200 watt dual spectrum CFL in a SunSytem hood. I put in two four inch air inlet's with screen filters and a 4" air outlet. I have a small inline fan to attach at the outlet, but haven't yet. I started 4 plants, 3 NYC Diesel and 1 Strawberry Blue. Running FoxFarm nutes and FoxFarm Ocean Forest as a grow medium, with about 25% coco coir mixed in. I started germinating seeds 10 days ago, transplanted into seedling cubes a week ago, and into 16 oz Solo cups a few days ago. Plants now about 1.5" tall, just putting out their 2nd set of true leaves. With no smell to worry about at this stage, just been leaving the door open for ventilation. Temps about 73-78. So far, so good, I think. I will post pics later.

Dr. Jon

Well-Known Member
This is what my grow cab ended up looking like. Still need to attach the inline fan and get a carbon filter for when the smell gets noticeable.