1st grow


New Member
Hello im a new grower and looking for some help now I think I have enough watts for my 4x6 grow tent but idk im new lol 2 90watt blue ufo leds 2 90watt red leds 240x3w Apollo led grow light it says it 720watts plz help


Well-Known Member
Lots of information to be found by using the search, or taking some effort on your part to go through the areas of interest..

Prince Albert

Active Member
Lots of information to be found by using the search, or taking some effort on your part to go through the areas of interest..
It's his first post to the forum and you have to be a dick? IMO, LED's are great for vegg. But when it comes to flower them buds into some sticky dank you'll need something more powerful. I've seen some grows where they have used LED's for the entire time. They still got bud, but nowhere near the potential that they could've gotten. IMO, the technology for LED's isn't quite there yet.


Well-Known Member
It's his first post to the forum and you have to be a dick? IMO, LED's are great for vegg. But when it comes to flower them buds into some sticky dank you'll need something more powerful. I've seen some grows where they have used LED's for the entire time. They still got bud, but nowhere near the potential that they could've gotten. IMO, the technology for LED's isn't quite there yet.
You better go visit the LED section then. You'd be surprised by what can be achieved with LEDs.


Well-Known Member
You better go visit the LED section then. You'd be surprised by what can be achieved with LEDs.
And many growers return to HID's after their LED experience is disappointing
I'll wait until LED's have more standardised specs
At the moment they can be good or shit
but usually not half as good as HID's


Well-Known Member
Hello im a new grower and looking for some help now I think I have enough watts for my 4x6 grow tent but idk im new lol 2 90watt blue ufo leds 2 90watt red leds 240x3w Apollo led grow light it says it 720watts plz help
You will get better answers if you post in the LED section
LED growers are a separate tribe.


Well-Known Member
And many growers return to HID's after their LED experience is disappointing
I'll wait until LED's have more standardised specs
At the moment they can be good or shit
but usually not half as good as HID's
That's because they're not doing their research and buying China crap. Get a good panel - get good results. Simple as that. (That is ofcourse if you actually know how to grow).


Well-Known Member
It's his first post to the forum and you have to be a dick? IMO, LED's are great for vegg. But when it comes to flower them buds into some sticky dank you'll need something more powerful. I've seen some grows where they have used LED's for the entire time. They still got bud, but nowhere near the potential that they could've gotten. IMO, the technology for LED's isn't quite there yet.
I'm sorry, what was his question? I wasn't being a dick, I was pointing the man in the right direction to help find out information for himself. Learning something for yourself is far different from being told what to do.

This is completely ignoring the fact that most LED companies will have the coverage areas of their lights listed under the specs....so...yeah.

And after calling me a dick you fill this guys head with misinformation regarding LED technology, simply stunning!


Well-Known Member
Hello im a new grower and looking for some help now I think I have enough watts for my 4x6 grow tent but idk im new lol 2 90watt blue ufo leds 2 90watt red leds 240x3w Apollo led grow light it says it 720watts plz help
IMO, you will need more for flowering, these should do fine for vegging, explanation in my line of thought below...

With only 2 indoor grows (years of outdoor, new to indoor) under LED's, I'm certainly no expert. However coming into it with an open mind, testing/documenting in detail, and following/reading an incredible amount of threads, articles, videos. Cheap chinese panels may have their place for vegging as the two panels I've tried were more than good enough for vegging. However, they were not enough or at least slow to flower/finish, but I believe that was insufficient power (see further comments below on wattage/power for LED's). I also had a lot of other variables/issues with environmental fluctuations, cold snaps, power outages, fuck up's of my own. Difficult to pinpoint the cause of the slow flowering/finish but I believe the LED's (cheap/chinese) were a significant factor and I didn't have enough wattage/power/design/quality for flowering.

Going into my 3rd round (I like to think of it as an experiment where hopefully I'll incrementally improve - if I don't fuck up too much - lol) and with a year or so experimentation under my belt, I'm looking at it as follows:
Cheap/Chinese panels for vegging
High end panels A51/Apache/Hans for flowering

CAVEAT: particularly for cheap/chinese/e-Bay panels
The marketing/hype is ridiculous for these panels. The so-called "400 WATT" panels will actually draw 250-270W, or less, at full tilt (veg/bloom ON)
Compare this to a high end panel like an A51 190W, which actually draws that power+ at full tilt
So, a 350-400W knock off panel, for the most part would actually draw/output about the same as a 190W A51 panel
Then take design/engineering/quality into consideration and you'd probably need a "600W" chinese panel to equal an A51 190W
Caveat emptor... If you know this going in, don't blame LED's if you don't get the yields you were expecting

In your case you're probably drawing 400-450W from the "720W" you listed, or equivalent to approx. 600W HPS/HID, Ok for vegging in a 4x6, not enough for flowering imo...

2 cents


Well-Known Member
hey you planning on filling up that tent? if not the lights you have will work just fine. start with 3 plants under then see how they do before adding or changing anything. im using 100 watts of led on my tops and side cfl's for undergrowth and ill be good in a 2x5 area. sure a 300 watt 5 watt diode led would be perfect for my area but ill make do with what i have this time. Again use what you have for a few plants first. ive seen 2 led grows and they work good. ill be upgrading my leds after this grow im sure. but i wont know till its done how much more i really need.


Well-Known Member
thanks all for the info, so would a 1000w HID and those ufo lights would be just fine then right?
If you already have it (1000W) use it but you'll have to plan on how to manage temps. Alternatively, use a 600W during flowering and supplement with your existing LED's. Those LED's will do just fine for veg, then bring in the 600 for flowering, your only running it 12 hrs during flowering so you'll have less heat issues. Nothing wrong with mixing it up a bit and make use of why you already have. Take advantage of the LED's (less heat) during the veg state when you're running the lights 16/8 or 18/6, then bring in the big guns when you go 12/12...