Yes, he will keep it low. I am my own caregiver and I follow the 'laws' as much as possible, there are alot of gray areas in that law, but the door to the room has a keyed lock and since he has been back home I also installed one of them motion sensing alarms on the door, window and one in front of the shanty for good mesure
I raised my nephew from 11 - 18, then he went back downstate to live by my sister, and found himself not doing so well in the big city and came back to Northeastren Michigan. I also have a step son who will be 23 in October... we have traveled to see the boys downstate, but they haven't came back home since 2006... so I figured at the 5 year mark, I was good to change the back bedroom around.. just last april... then low and behold.. My nephew is back and my step son is planning a trip up next month.
The boys never had any idea I smoked - ever. The very few times they suspected anything of the like they blammed the smell on my hubby.. I never bothered to correct them in that instance... so it was a shock to say the least. They are ok with it, just surprised. Even more surprised when I explained that it was not going to be shared. I have several heath issues that make my card very much valid, I didn't just hit up the $100 doctor down the road and get a bogus check up.. I have no desiere to lose my daughter, my home or my job over allowing someone to obtain my medication that was not legaly able to. Much to my surprise, they completely respected that.
I am not worried about others being suspect, I live on 10 acres of national forest, the closest house is my parents house and that is all that live on this street. Besides... I can still bring them boys down if I had too