1st Grow With Big Bud And Crystal


Well-Known Member
Jim gafican just came 2 me. He is the guy that ask where the kids sit in the back because the weed must take up all the room


Well-Known Member
its from the last eppisode of weeds doc the guy who confascated the grow van. His name in real life is jim gafican. He is a funny comedian.

Anyways guys good news In 15 min I will be leaving to head home and can tell you how the girls are. all the stands batween me and them is a 9hour car ride
Wish me luck. Update and pics really late to night so stay up for it you wont wana miss it

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
its from the last eppisode of weeds doc the guy who confascated the grow van. His name in real life is jim gafican. He is a funny comedian.

Anyways guys good news In 15 min I will be leaving to head home and can tell you how the girls are. all the stands batween me and them is a 9hour car ride
Wish me luck. Update and pics really late to night so stay up for it you wont wana miss it
Are you ready to see some foot tall monsters? Just wait till you get home! they will be beautiful!!!!!


da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
SWEET i cant wait.. just hope your not going to be disapounted... good luck bro..you have 20 gal's of water it shoud be ok... but it's going to fucking stink...
da plantDOC

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
so what's going on with you girl's.. the waiting is killing me..oh wait am dyeing eney way's..lol.lol da plantDOC


Well-Known Member
Im home guys and wow good and bad news Its gana be another 30 min before I get pics up 2 are dead water no water in the res when I got home another day and they would have all been dead. Some look good they are huge I gata take them out and look at them put water in the res fix my shit then Ill take pix WOW GUYS WOW!!!! I got monstors


Well-Known Member
yeah WOW guys you wont believe my luck!!!! the 2 that died were boys the rest are girls as of now I have 5 girls "If i am reading the pre flowers right" My digital camera broke In NC so im going to have to take pics with the mac


Well-Known Member
the thick 1 is tetra its about a inch think. I cant tell if it is a boy or girl but leaning to boy now. hothouse and doc were the 1s that bit the dust sorry guys. I think its jane that streached to over 2 feet tall. I Gave them water and hope they are not looking so pathetic in the morning. starting 12/12 right now

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
cool PIG am glad to see that everything was o.k.. i think i was swetting you plant's.. just as mutch as you.. o you did ture the light back now right... you made the right thing with the bigbud for your first grow.. what a fun plant for newbe's.. so hit me up bro and glad to hace you back you with girl's...
da plantDOC