1st grow... when will they flower?

So ive been growing these three plants outside for 10 weeks. I dont know the strains as they are bagseed, although i wish i did. If you can tell anything from the pics, please feel free to share. they are each in 5-7 gallon pots and recieve light from sunrise to sunset. right now i think they are getting about 14 hours of sun a day.

I began to see pistils last week and to my utter astonishment all three showed female! so the preflower excitement has died down and now im waiting on these girls to flower. i hear that flowering is usually triggered outdoors(depending on strain) in the first two weeks of august.

Im also wondering how the plants look, i have no experience but they all seem pretty healthy. one new development- within the last three or four days the branches have been turning dark red/purple. i know that this isnt bad but can be genetic or triggered by temperature.

so my questions are:

1. does anyone have imput as to what type of plant (indica/sativa) or strain?
2. anyone growing outdoors have plants flowering/ any idea when flowering will begin
3. is it normal for branches to turn red/purple and does that indicate anything about the bud to come?


Good news bad news time. The bad news: i had two males. The good news: i have one female. the males have been removed and are awaiting termination (can they be used to make hash?)

The female is the plant from the fourth picture, lots of purple stems and pistils! looking forward to watching her bloom...


Well-Known Member
they all look good. you can make hash out of males, but it will suck. you could try iso oil. that would be pretty quick and easy, get a good half gram of hash for the day.
so i made iso hash with my friend today, we used an eigth of shake and the leaves/buds from two my males! the live leaves made it green but i cant wait to try it. we got a little more than half a gram.