1st Grow... When to Transplant?


OK, so this is my first indoor/hydro grow. I'm growing in 1.5" rockwool cubes and wondering how to tell when to transplant to a larger cube.
The plants are growing very fast. I took this pic 20 hours ago, and they're noticeably larger already.



Well-Known Member
OK, so this is my first indoor/hydro grow. I'm growing in 1.5" rockwool cubes and wondering how to tell when to transplant to a larger cube.
The plants are growing very fast. I took this pic 20 hours ago, and they're noticeably larger already.[/QU

i wouldnt try transplanting to another cube. i would just put them in coco in a party cup with holes in the bottom for about a week or so and gradually build up from the cup. honestly im in the same boat with a couple of seeds. give them about a quarter nuts for about a week then half strength once big enough for a few days maybe a week, then full strength after.


Well-Known Member
oh shit wait...are you seriously wanting to take it out and put it in a larger cube?!? Or are you talking put the smaller cube in a hole in the larger cube? Because that's what you need to do if going to larger cubes...totally missed that part :D


Well-Known Member
transplanting to another cube would be way to much of a pain in the ass at this point and as the plant grows and the stem or stalk gets thicker it will pretty much decimate the cube anyways from what ive learned. lol.


Well-Known Member
You guys are high. I'm pretty sure he means putting the whole thing into another larger cube. Not take the seedling out of the current cube.


Well-Known Member
why transplant to another cube? is my question. i figured hydroton coco or soil would have the same effects once the plant gets fully rooted anyways right? and yes i may be a bit high. lol. but putting a 1.5 inch already rooted seed into a bigger cube would defeat the perpose wouldnt it unless u needed the extra support for a 1lb plant that u were starting right?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, you're probably right. Maybe you should read more, and post less? I didn't click this thread to explain things other than what the op asked, or to come in here to debate people about nonsense. BUT here you go. Maybe he is isn't using coco, soil, or hydroton? omg what a concept? Maybe he will only be using 4" grodan blocks and thats it? HMMMMMMMMMM... Which would make his post make total sense, and need no explanation to anyone other than people who don't need to know, or probably should be researching more than trying to help . Maybe I'm not here to explain everything to people with 4 posts, or maybe I'm not here to explain things to people who have been a member of this forum for a year? Go debate a rock, because I really don't give a fuck if you know more than me, or whether I know more than you. Frankly the only one person I'm concerned about on here is me, which is why I read more than I post.


Well-Known Member
transplant as soon as the roots show out the bottom of the cubes likes yours are now
i use the 1 inch cubes for cuttings/seeds and transplant them into 3 inch cubes for NFT
i guess you would use slightly bigger 4 inch or whatever , although it depends on the setup you have what system are you using ? , you might not need to transplant them into larger blocks ?


Well-Known Member
transplant as soon as the roots show out the bottom of the cubes likes yours are now
i use the 1 inch cubes for cuttings/seeds and transplant them into 3 inch cubes for NFT
i guess you would use slightly bigger 4 inch or whatever , although it depends on the setup you have what system are you using ? , you might not need to transplant them into larger blocks ?

Kinda strange you and me both ASSUMED the guy is transplanting into larger grodan blocks. It would be the only thing that makes sense in regards to the ORIGINAL POST. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
No shit he is moving them into bigger cubes, the question is why? Rockwool is a cumbersome growing medium prone to alot of issues. Definitely not something for beginners.


Well-Known Member
He didn't ask you what to use, and that is your opinion. Looks like he is doing pretty good to me so far... Too much high and mighty BS on the forum. He asked a direct question. Answer it, or don't. He didn't ask your opinion on growing mediums.


Okay, for the record, they're in 4" rockwool cubes as pictured. As you can see, they've grown quite a bit since yesterday.
I'm growing in an ebb and flood system which I may convert to drip later.



Well-Known Member
Okay, for the record, they're in 4" rockwool cubes as pictured. As you can see, they've grown quite a bit since yesterday.
I'm growing in an ebb and flood system which I may convert to drip later.
aye man...looks good...get that ebb/flow goin and grow you some dank nugs :D