1st grow - Week 5 of flowering - Temp/RH


Active Member
5th week of flowering, Temp 83, Humd.47 with light on-- Currently I only have a 6" fan and vent line hooked up to one end of my 1000 watt light housing drawing air across and to outside house. What else do I need to bring temp./RH down?
Ideally another vent that is controlled separately would be the best way to add more airflow and temp/humidity control. So the existing one is on the lights, a 2nd one that helps the room.
My exhaust is hooked up to my light which is open on the other end, so it is drawing air from the room, across the light, to the outdoors. I could put a separate vent line just into room and vent that outside. Currently not pushing any fresh air into grow area, its open enough to draw air from other rooms.
45% rh is pretty good and plenty low enough. What temp do you keep the room your tent is in. Sorry if I’m wrong I implied it’s a tent
Dam, better plan on getting a dehumidifier. The warm weather is slowly approaching here in Rochester, NY
Good dehu/humidifier are good to have look on Amazon for the Humidity Ink Bird. Make sure both peices of equipment automatically come on when they unplug so the InkBird can controller them accordingly.
The Ink Bird overrides the controller that the humidifier would have built in? It supplies power to the unit whenever the RH goes high? Probably is more accurate...
The Ink Bird overrides the controller that the humidifier would have built in? It supplies power to the unit whenever the RH goes high? Probably is more accurate...
Yes the Inkbird has 2 ports "work 1" and "work 2" hue plugs into work 1 dehue goes to work 2. You set the stats you want and it adjust to what you have. I love it!
Today right before the lights kicked on the Temp. was 70, RH was 52.

lights on - 83 temp, 47 RH
lights off - 70 temp, 52 RH
That's fine like Dan said but VPD says other wise. My temp on stay around 80-83 I run 60 percent humidity 70 percent in veg. All the way through. And keep plenty of air circulation.