1st grow. Tryin to get everything right


Active Member
Wats Up Stoner buddies,

Let me tell you where i'm at. I built a grow cabinet that 4ft tall, 2ft wide, and a ft back. I have a small 3 pot passive hydroponice system. I don't know what type of seeds to get. I'm looking for anyone's help to help me find a good strain of seeds. Remember the cabinet is only 4ft tall so it has to a medium size plant and easy for beginners. In my cabinet i have 1 CFL 150 watts hanging from the top and 2 CFl 75watts tube light mounted on the side. I am want to know if that is good enough. I also have aluminum foil covering the wall of the cabinet. I'm just tryin to harvest personal stash but maybe a lil bit more. I don't have alot of money to spend. Please help me out.


Well-Known Member
I like to grow large plants and have the space,,so its not from experience.. I have read somewhere on this site that lowrider and kush(not 100% sure if it was kush..I'm stoned,,lol..) are naturally short plants but you're prob going to have to keep them trimmed but any hows in a space that size... there is a thread on buying seeds in the seeds and strains thread in the main forum page ...good luck with that:weed:


Well-Known Member
yup definatly get a lowrider or dwarf strain and if your lights are 150 watt equivalent and 75 watt equivalent get more lights . if they are actual watts you will do ok with them.
remember CFL arent as intense as say an HPS so you need to compensate buy using them to your advantage by packing them not only above but next to your plants.
if placed strategically you can do quite well with flouros


Active Member
i would loose the foil and paint white or line with mevlar im growin with cfl's at the minute annd made the mistake of not having them close enough to the plant id say bout 2 inch away from ur plant and u should do ok iv not got as many watts as u i have about 80 watts altogether in 3 lights one above and 2 at the sides and now its growin good iv just put to flower last night so will let u now how i go on


Active Member
Well thanks for the differnet strains. But when they ship the seeds how does in come? And what are some good, small and cheap lights and where can i get them?


New Member
Indica dominate strains are shorter and bushier, stay away from sativa strains, they get a lot taller.

You could also try Low stress training. When the plant is getting to tall, tie the top down. It works for a lot of people.