1st grow Super Lemon Haze

dirk d

Active Member
CABINET5.jpg and my cabinet is full. lol. have to run a couple more strings if i can but looks like im going to have to get a bigger cabinet!

dirk d

Active Member
END1.jpgEND3.jpgEND2.jpg some canopy shots after the harvest. now i will let the mids marinate for a few more days till i do the final chop. Will also go in and trim the rest of the leaves on SLH #1-3 tomorrow as well. noticed they were blocking lots of flower sites.

well looks like i screwed up here these are before the harvest canopy shots

dirk d

Active Member
END5.jpgEND4.jpgEND6.jpg wow coming close to the end of this journey. The Super Lemon Haze is very frosty and very dense cant wait to finish the dry and start curing.

dirk d

Active Member
thanks mystified. this is by far the most amazing weed i have encountered in my life. and to think its my first time. i cant get over it. but i spent a lot of time researching, asking questions, fucking up, fixing my fuck ups, and then refining my skills. without everyones help i would have never gotten to this point. so thanks everyone.

whoever said growing weed is easy never grew weed!! i love it though i just hooked my ipod up and listened to music for like 6 hours today trimming. such an amazing feeling to finally get to this point!
The Lone Ranger is the "infamous""Pineapple Express".Five other are the SLH,which speaks for itself.
I'm ready to do a Blunt on the SLH.The P.E. looks like a Christmas tree in which I will definately
sing the ole Christmas Song to while I partake of it's medicimal qualities.
Free Wheelin

dirk d

Active Member
thanks ganja, ya i was impressed by how hard and dense the nugs were.

thanks for stopping by furry, your buds look phat! i want to do a pineapple express soon. to post pics you have to push the icon next to the blue globe on the quote box.

just spent 1.5 hours trimming the rest of the leaves on the bottom of the canopy. i can tell how they are not ready yet. very green and not "ripened" like the tops were. also all the trimming i did during flowering actually made my trimming job easier! lol. was laughing about that.


Well-Known Member
hey dirk congratulations! every grow i upgrade & put some back into my growroom which is ever evolving i really get a lot of enjoyment out of my grows & being able to rub elbows with everyone here is cool too so take some time to enjoy your harvest youve earned it people seem to think we just sit on our asses & successful harvests just happen on their own [yeah right!] growing is fullfilling but make no mistake this shit is work

dirk d

Active Member
hey herk, thanks bra! for me everything i get out of my grow i put all back in. lol. there is so much stuff you need its mind boggling. i can spend $100 in less time than it takes to drive to the hydro store. lol. the little things have really surprised me. plus im organic so the food is just freakin expensive!! and i need like 12 different kinds. lol.

dirk d

Active Member
Canopy4.jpgLSD2.jpgKK.jpg some pics of KK and my LSD which i have been neglecting. seems she has grown leaves all over the place after i trimmed her.


Active Member
Not too bad , in my opinion from early stage you put lamp to far from the plant and it stretched out too much, and the buds are kind a small , becouse you could really get more.
And when your drying the plant dont cut the branches, put the whole tree after trimming upside down, youl get more juice with thc content to the buds,
plus dry it in good ventilated area.
If you want bigger buds try to keep these elements :
1. Good nutrition
2. Clean and rich of oxygen air
3. Co2
4. Good ventilation
5. Balanced lamps, plus heigh of the lamps, the closer it is the more lumens it will get the bigger buds, but be careful not to burn the leaves.

420 ;) bud anyway good work
Not too bad , in my opinion from early stage you put lamp to far from the plant and it stretched out too much, and the buds are kind a small , becouse you could really get more.
And when your drying the plant dont cut the branches, put the whole tree after trimming upside down, youl get more juice with thc content to the buds,
plus dry it in good ventilated area.
If you want bigger buds try to keep these elements :
1. Good nutrition
2. Clean and rich of oxygen air
3. Co2
4. Good ventilation
5. Balanced lamps, plus heigh of the lamps, the closer it is the more lumens it will get the bigger buds, but be careful not to burn the leaves.

420 ;) bud anyway good work
That's the Way I Like It,
We will get better over time.And enjoy ourselves while we are hard at making our thumbs green and not so behind the ears.
I am just so glad that where I am at it is (LOL)Legal.
Now having a Medical Card and being able to carry on my person ,is way more than what I was sent to do time for three
It was like the Fourth of July when I became licensed.And I might add,"SHOULD BE LEGAL"!
One would think the "Dumb Asses"(The Government )would want their "Piece of the Pie"!
A Hole's ,Tax it like everything else they do.
Doom And Despair and Agony on me!
Thank God for Cannabis!
It helps both"You and Me"
If it were not for Cannabis.
The World would be so gloom you see!

dirk d

Active Member
ya i definetely made lots of mistakes. thats for sure. the first time you try anything your gonna fuck up, i expected that. my lights were too far from my plants and due to my limited $$$ my environment was not dialed in. i had no CO2, no ventilation and i was scraping to buy all the nutes i needed. Will definitely improve on my next journal, Reserva Privada OG KUSH baby yah! cant wait for that.

dirk d

Active Member
well i started all these girls from seed but had them in my rapid rooter tray for like 4 weeks feeding them olivias cloning solution and superthrive. lol. I had no idea what the fuck i was doing lol. all my new girls going into flower have at least 3 weeks in veg now. even after 3 weeks if they still look small i'll even leave them for another week. i'm learning at an exponential rate because of everyones help. thanks everyone. my next purchases will be an AC and CO2 plus 24/7 nutrient meters for my flower room. unfortunately iv been strapped for cash from the beginning but will use lots of the proceeds of this harvest to upgrade my veg and flower rooms.