1st Grow, Seedling Stage help!


Hi guys, this is my first grow. The seedlings (Bluecheese and Red Cherry Berry) are currently 9 days old. I was wondering if anyone could please advise me on any tips for these girls??? Im misting them with a ph level of 6.0 and 1/4 strength vitalink plantstart, the temps are around 22-25, Humidity at 70-80 inside the propagator. And the 150W CFL is on a 24 hour cycle. The leafs on the blue cheese are drooping downwards aswell which i dont know why?? Look forward to hearing your response!




Active Member
Are you only misting them ? That could be why they are droping , not enough water .

You may want to lay off the Vitalink for now



Yeah im only misting them... sometimes i spray the bottoms sometimes i spray the tops..tryna see what makes a difference lol. Ill take away the vita then. see what happens..How should i be giving the plants water at this stage as i know its a very delicate at this stage??


Active Member
Well is you soil dry ?

If so pour some water dirrectly on the top of the soil , then in a cuople of days (3 to 5) if the soil is dry water again .

Don't be scared to over water .


Its not soil, their in little rockwool cubes at the moment in a heated propagator so didnt wanna poor water onit... The red cherry is in one of them soil bombs though n seems to be going much better...might just get them from now on...


Well, you already made the first big mistake, which is growing weed in the first place.

But what's done is done. You'll make mistakes. Be prepared for that and don't panic when something happens or you don't know what to do next. Have low expectations on your first grow, and be thankful if you have anything at all to smoke.

Be patient. Plant time is different than human time. We can't work on our plants like we work on our cars. Research as much as you can before you do anything, try and find out more about plant botany and horticulture than "growing weed" perse. Basic plant knowledge will carry you much farther in your growing career. When you finally do decide on an action, wait at least 48 hours afterwards to observe the effect. You can really Fck up your plants second guessing your decisions and subjecting them through every "technique" known to man.

Why did I say growing weed was a mistake? Because if you're really new to growing anything, then you should start out with tomatoes first. They're very similar to weed and if you can grow a good tomato plant, you'll be able to grow cannabis just fine. I just think we're too emotionally/financially involved when we grow weed for the first time, and that is what causes most noobie mistakes. If I could do my first grow over, that's what I would do. You should still get some tomato seeds and grow them next to your weed just to have something to compare it to. Plus, a pack of seeds costs under $2.00, so you could do all your experiments on the tomatoes first if you're having doubts about whether something will work or not. Go buck wild with them and test out anything and everything. Just remember to keep a control plant as a standard.

Other than that, welcome to the forum and good growing!!


Well-Known Member
Wow! what a coincidence.I am growing my first with 1 BC and 1 RCB.Mine look identical to yours at the moment.only sprouted 2 days ago yet are 2" tall already.Both are sat under a 125 cfl with the prop lid removed.I'll subscribe to this as a good comparison to my project(thats if your going to make a journal of it ofcourse)
good luck anyways.


Well-Known Member
Well, you already made the first big mistake, which is growing weed in the first place.

But what's done is done. You'll make mistakes. Be prepared for that and don't panic when something happens or you don't know what to do next. Have low expectations on your first grow, and be thankful if you have anything at all to smoke.

Be patient. Plant time is different than human time. We can't work on our plants like we work on our cars. Research as much as you can before you do anything, try and find out more about plant botany and horticulture than "growing weed" perse. Basic plant knowledge will carry you much farther in your growing career. When you finally do decide on an action, wait at least 48 hours afterwards to observe the effect. You can really Fck up your plants second guessing your decisions and subjecting them through every "technique" known to man.

Why did I say growing weed was a mistake? Because if you're really new to growing anything, then you should start out with tomatoes first. They're very similar to weed and if you can grow a good tomato plant, you'll be able to grow cannabis just fine. I just think we're too emotionally/financially involved when we grow weed for the first time, and that is what causes most noobie mistakes. If I could do my first grow over, that's what I would do. You should still get some tomato seeds and grow them next to your weed just to have something to compare it to. Plus, a pack of seeds costs under $2.00, so you could do all your experiments on the tomatoes first if you're having doubts about whether something will work or not. Go buck wild with them and test out anything and everything. Just remember to keep a control plant as a standard.

Other than that, welcome to the forum and good growing!!

A bigger mistake would be to grow some bad ass tomatoes,and then realise it coulda been some bad ass weed ;)


Wow! what a coincidence.I am growing my first with 1 BC and 1 RCB.Mine look identical to yours at the moment.only sprouted 2 days ago yet are 2" tall already.Both are sat under a 125 cfl with the prop lid removed.I'll subscribe to this as a good comparison to my project(thats if your going to make a journal of it ofcourse)
good luck anyways.
Haha, nice.. 2 days from seed...wow. Mine must be just growing slow was probably the 1/4 strength nutes. Ive taken my propagator dome off now with a fan at the top of the tent circulating air and lowered the light about 3 inches away. When are you gonna have pics of yours im eager to see them lol.


Well-Known Member
If its your first grow, then you came to the right place, this site has plenty of very useful information. Examine all the available guides but above all remember to be patient, to many people fuss over there "babies" constantly tweaking this and that, just stick to the basics, if the plant is in need of something it will let you know with plenty of time to fix any issues (see guides again). So far they look absolutely fine, but its normal to worry as a new parent! lol. As regards to the drooping leaves, I dont see any worrying signs from your pics, but if it helps I usually find that drooping leaves is mainly caused by over watering them.

Good luck and keep us posted on the progress and you will find plenty of help from the RIU community.

Oh, and growing tomato plants first? I dont think so. I would rather have one crappy bud than 1 crappy tomato lol. Mind you I have never smoked a tomato, maybe Im missing somthing :'P


Well-Known Member
To be honest I think the soil I stuck the seed in was probably to shallow,hence the reason why it popped out so quick and shot up lol.I have just translpanted them into bigger pots(makeshift pot noodle pots lol) so I will see how they got on in the morning.As for nutes,Im not starting them for the first week,possibly 2.I have them about 2/3 inches from bulb,could probably get an inch closer,but scared of killing my babies.Im hoping to use these 2 as mothers,but thats probably quite a while to wait.I don't know if your like me,but my days now feel like weeks lol.anyhow if alls going well by back end of week,Ill get a couple of pics up to compare.