1st grow progress


Active Member
There 4 different plant's 1 I haven't removed any 1 removed a few the next 1 few more n the 1 iv removed all large fan leaves experimenting a bit u read so much on the net thought the only way to see which 1 works best is to try them lol.there pure power plant.it's funny how u call them shade leaves tho as that's the reason to remove them to prevent shade to lower part of plant as I said I'm experimenting at the moment


Active Member
I guess u r 1 that don't remove the leaves.I put my 1st post up yesterday n the 1st thing some1 said was u need u trim the leaves back a bit lol different opinions I suppose


Well-Known Member
Defoliation is a major subject on here. I personally dabble in it, this time round I used a scrog net so I needed to trim up the underside, fan/shade leaves will provide much needed N later in flower as your plant(s) come to an end. I did what your doing on my first run, listened to everyone and tried everything and in the end I yielded far less than I should of but in order to learn you need trial and error!! Good job you came to RIU you can share your experiences with us!


Active Member
I tried growing out doors with not much knolage n used a wooden box 4 light cycle.never really worked didn't have much success the 1 plant that made it to the end only yielded about 1/4.so I went out n bought tent with 600 watt hps, carbon filter ect.seems to be going OK my next lot that's coming threw are just having the lower branches trimmed but iv got a few iv mainlined.with up to 8 colars now


Well-Known Member
There 4 different plant's 1 I haven't removed any 1 removed a few the next 1 few more n the 1 iv removed all large fan leaves experimenting a bit u read so much on the net thought the only way to see which 1 works best is to try them lol.there pure power plant.it's funny how u call them shade leaves tho as that's the reason to remove them to prevent shade to lower part of plant as I said I'm experimenting at the moment
Fair enough you want to find out for yourself through experiments.

I can call shade leaves by what they do opposed to their common name. Big motherfucking solar panels that provide sustenance for the plant.


Active Member
Or as half argue big leaves that suck up all the energy from the plant n bud site.by the looks of it this is an on going argument that is only resoled by personal choice.


Active Member
Im not disagreeing with what u r saying this is what I always thought.u just plant it n let it be apart from watering but seems all these techniques are each to there own.like u say it so negatively. but the main lining thing is completely stripping back plant to just tops and all vids iv watched seem to end up with massive colars with no fan leaves.yes it slows it down I know that


Active Member
But there is always still the argument of personal choice n what works best 4 that person.there are books yes but I haven't got threw my life so far reading books iv got threw doing things.to learn 1st person n from other people mistakes appeals to me more then reading a book


Well-Known Member
Its not about "what works best for the person"...we are talking about what works best for the plant.But as you say,to each his own.Your plant,do what you want bro.


Active Member
Oh man look how ever u want read it n say it I have a restricted hight area 4 my tent so my plants can't get to big or tall so there topped n defoliated to save needed space n light lumes being sucked up by those big leave's. 4 the greater good of my plants in the long run.so yes it works best 4 me n my plants to do it like this.Im not just pulling leaves of cause I enjoy it lol


Well-Known Member
The plant converts light into complex sugars that are stored in the leaves.The plant uses these complex sugars to grow your buds.The plant cant get these complex sugars from any other source.Now put all these facts together and ask yourself...why am I giving my plant nutrients?...because they are the precursors the plant needs to create the complex sugars it needs for growth.

If you are worried about height,stripping all the food and nutrients from your plant isnt the answer...there is a thing called lst.


Active Member
Low stress training yes I know tried that as well I have 1 plant in veg tent scrooge n 2 mainlined have also tried the super cropping.
This is trial n error 4 me as I said b4 the advise given 4 1 site/book to the next is very much read between the lines.as ur are proving as ur dead set against not defoliated yet I could talk to the next man n they could say yes lolly popping n defoliated n is the way up the n in take 2wards the end n use a bud booster.
And these methods work each to there own 4 each person situation/grow space/time/cost there's lots of factors really so to be so hard hearted towards 1 method is a bit small minded I think
Do u smoke weed ?