Nice grow man. I'm gonna be orderin some white widow from nirvana today!!

can't wait. So far your plants are looking good man. I also use the 16 ounce party cups. But the roots came through after only 2 days. Soooo it was kind of a waste. But yeaaa they deff look good. I wanted to get bubblicious as well. But I'm broke. So I can only afford one strain. Heyy I was wondering. Did u get any free seeds with your order?? And also did they just drop the seeds right in your mail box?? Kk. I'm gonna subscribe to this. I'll be checkin in on your gow man. Keep up the good work!!
Thanks for checking out my first grow homie. I've heard good things about the nirvana white widow, I'm sure you will enjoy it. I got the bubblelicious because my girlfriend never smoked bubble gum before so I thought it would make a good selection for my first grow. I have smoked bubble gum before, not sure what seedbank but it was the bomb, sweet in every sense. As for the free seeds, I did not get any but I got a free wallet. If you want free seeds I would recommend checking out attitudes seedbank. They were dropped into my mailbox in a unbelievable 8 days after purchase, I live in the U.S.
Hey Foam, thanks for visiting my threads. I thought I would stop in and check it out..Lookin good my friend!
Once they are about 4” I would keep a fan on them at all times, but not too much as you can wind burn, just enough to wiggle the plants a little. This will thicken the stems. Direct air up toward the light to dissipate heat but sounds like your bulb is not hot. Drill plenty of drain holes in the cup in the bottom and sides around the bottom for drainage. I just water till it runs out the bottom and stop. After you water get a feel for the weight. Then when it gets real light you know they can use a little water. As they grow some will use more water than others. I try to just keep mine moist. Watch the Miracle Grow perlite I think it has nutes in it. That what I read. That Light Warrior is mainly for seed germination. It looks good from what I read on the bag, its very light, stimulates root growth so I am going to mix ¼ of it in with OF to see. These weeds are tuff. I once used the same pellets, cut the screen off, washed the dirt off the roots with a water hose, stuck them in my waterfarm and after two days they TOOK OFF! I had one stretch 6” fell over and grew into an S shape. Ended up being the best plant. You will do fine. Just don’t over feed or water, good air flow and light then watchem grow…
I had switched to rockwool cubes. Seemed like it was hard for the little roots to come out. Now I am trying a 9oz cup with ¼ OF in the bottom and topped off with LW. LW will germ and stimulate root growth then as they grow down the hit the OF. I just hope the OF is not too hot for the lil girls. We shall see!
I will trade you some blueberry for some bubbleicious! Scribed+++
I give you props SL2 for visiting my very first grow journal, I will be keeping an eye on your kushberry SL2 & I may consider planting one if my ww dies. I'm using a fan in the room for the minute until I get my tent completely hooked up. I took your idea up on drilling holes into the plastic cup, just yesterday I started to notice that mainly my white widow plants bottom round leafs are turning yellow. I was worried a few days about that the cups were not setup properly for drainage. I've been trying to figure out what is causing this and from what I've read it can be a number of things, my issues that may have caused this to happen would be transplanting into ocean forest (hot soil) first, improper drainage, or overwatering. I'm not exactly sure what caused this but I hope to fix the problem soon, is it normal for the bottom leafs to turn yellow and start falling off? I have not went and pick up the perlite or transplant into 5gal pots just yet, thanks for the heads up on the perlite having nutes in them. When I do transplant into bigger pots I plan to do a 60% Ocean Forest & 40% Light Warrior mix, I will be using the light warrior more on top the pots around the roots. As for trading bubblelicious for blueberry, I would honestly love to take you up on the offer. After my harvest I'll pick a couple bubblelicious seeds off one of my fem plants & mail them to you if you do the same, private message me if you are really interested. This would be of course about 2 months so we could do the trade in mid Febuary or so.
picture 1: babies under light @ 79 degrees
picture 2: notice on that white widow the yellow round leafs.
picture 3: picture of my white widow with heat curls.
picture 4: another white widow with yellow leafs.
picture 5: this is my biggest plant of this grow & was the first to start yellow bottom leaves.