1st Grow, OG Kush (Bag seed)


Active Member

Ok here we go! This is a legal prop 215 medical grow. I've always bought my medicine from dispensaries over the past year. I'm ready to try growing my own medicine.

All input is appreciated...


Well-Known Member
your's too man. give us details! lights, medium, pots, space! nutes! gell how about a pic of the babies! cmon man! ;)


Well-Known Member
I've been trying to load pics, can you help me bro?
when you post a post, click upload a file.. hilight all the pics from wherever you store them and boom. they'll upload and give you options on hgow you would like to display them!


Active Member
Still acting up so until I get it together this is what I have...

I have 1 mother plant as of now. I found 2 seeds in some of the bombest OG Kush that I've smoked, while I was in Sacramento. It was a blessing. I decided to pop them I got one female ( the other one died). I grew her out to be a mother. I grew in sunshine professional mix. Under a d.I.y. 100 watt mh... I converted a flood light.
I cut 22 clones on 10-13 wanting to pick the best 16 to go in my 4x4 tent. I'll do this every two weeks. I'm going to try a perpetual sea of green grow, clones going straight into flower after roots take. I will be growing in 4"x4"x10" 2 gallon fabric grow bags 16 in every two weeks and hope I have a 8 week strain.

Grow room: 4x4x7 grow tent

Lights: 2 Global Star Horticulture Full Spectrum 84x5w(420w) LED , 2 Zoo Med ReptiSun 5.0 UVB Mini Compact Fluorescent (13 watts) hopefully it helps speed up the cycle.

Medium: sunshine #4

Nutrients: I need help!

Earth juice: grow, bloom, catalyst, microblast, rooter's mycorrhizae .

Floral Nectar

House of Herbs: Blackstrap Molasses

Advanced Nutrients: Ancient Earth


Alaska: Fish Fertilizer

Bontonicare: Cal-Mag

Maxicrop: Liquid Seaweed

Earthworm Castings

Sun leaves: Peruvian Seabird Guano
Guano ,Mexican Bat Guano ,Jamaican Bat Guano

Neptunes Harvest: Crab Shell

Thought about using "Epsoma: Bio-tone" for mothers (with a guano tea once a month).

Also have anyone had any experience with budswell?


Active Member
Also I forgot I picked up some Rootbastic and Bloombastic. I should have read more because I'm getting mixed feelings after reading.

All comments are welcome.


Active Member
Questions for you guys... I have a 18x36 grow tent and I want to start a pre-flower tent for SOG, but plan on using aerocloner for cloning. How would I go about transfers? I'm growing in promix in my flower tent. I'm waiting for my 4x4 flood table for my big tent and will grow in smart pots... What should I transplant in to go in small preflower tent.

This is a homemade flood and drain I made for the tent.

