1st grow of my life


New Member
Hi fRiends !! This is 2 week veg.


I use 40w and 110w clf both 6500k
but sometime the leaf gets wierd and acts like drowed, any idea??
How does it look??
i feel like my plant growth is very slow, i checked others on youtube with huge plants within 2 weeks ...

cannabis love

Well-Known Member
Looks pretty good, they'll stay small for the first couple weeks as they grow roots. That soil looks pretty dense, when you repot, mix up that soil with perlite to help with drainage. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
yea I agree, your problem look like a too compact soil full of clay, MJ don't like to stand in too compact and wet soil all the time, its root net need oxygen, beside a prober PH of the medium (6-7 PH) and a wet compact soil full of clay have a tendency to get too acid, as all ready mention, do a repot and add some perlite, hydro/clay pellets/small stones can works as well

if you have some Hydrogen peroxide (3%) you can add a few drop`s to your water to provide some oxygen to your medium



Well-Known Member
You've got some good color there and plant looks OK. It's a little small for 2 weeks but I've had some that size at 2 weeks and they finally will take off.

Like CL said definitely add perlite or vermiculite when you repot, soil looks kinda shaky.


Active Member
Hi fRiends !! This is 2 week veg.

View attachment 2911339

I use 40w and 110w clf both 6500k
but sometime the leaf gets wierd and acts like drowed, any idea??
How does it look??
i feel like my plant growth is very slow, i checked others on youtube with huge plants within 2 weeks ...
these are 2 weeks today,it looks healty,but very small,females will sometimes grow pretty slow,but it should be alot biggerIMG_1162.jpgIMG_1163.jpgIMG_1164.jpgthese pics are 2 days old


Active Member
i use simple gardening soil ...but i feel its very hard .
I feel your drift buddy....

From my 30 years gardening experience "gardening soil" (top soil? sterile soil?) is just too heavy for indoor pots. No amounts of peroxide or any other nonsense is going to cure it.

If it is "top soil" cheapest "soil" sold it is junk, have pathogens, bad fungi too heavy and oxygen retardant for indoor. You can still fix it by baking it and ammend it with peat, perlite etc. But unless you bought a lot it is not worth it. Throw it away and start over with quality shit.

I am amazed people buy expensive seeds, expensive lights etc. then they are trying to save few pennies buying garbage cheap medium and expect plants to survive in it, never mind to thrill in it.

Not even MJ which is a weed can take it. If you ever gardened you know what weeds are and if you can not grow weeds, after all there is a reason MJ is call a "weed", then I really do not know what to tell ya....


Active Member
You don't even have to spend that much for a decent growing medium like pro-mix, which allows you to control your feeding all the way through.

Sound advice by Buzerek and you would do well listening to him.


New Member
I feel your drift buddy....

From my 30 years gardening experience "gardening soil" (top soil? sterile soil?) is just too heavy for indoor pots. No amounts of peroxide or any other nonsense is going to cure it.

If it is "top soil" cheapest "soil" sold it is junk, have pathogens, bad fungi too heavy and oxygen retardant for indoor. You can still fix it by baking it and ammend it with peat, perlite etc. But unless you bought a lot it is not worth it. Throw it away and start over with quality shit.

I am amazed people buy expensive seeds, expensive lights etc. then they are trying to save few pennies buying garbage cheap medium and expect plants to survive in it, never mind to thrill in it.

Not even MJ which is a weed can take it. If you ever gardened you know what weeds are and if you can not grow weeds, after all there is a reason MJ is call a "weed", then I really do not know what to tell ya....
really thanks for the advice buddy !! ..do you recommend coco peat soil or this --> www.ebay.in/itm/Potting-Mix-for-100-Organic-Gardening-Soil-Less-Potting-Media-1-Kg-/271334142720?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_203&hash=item3f2cc67300


New Member
yea I agree, your problem look like a too compact soil full of clay, MJ don't like to stand in too compact and wet soil all the time, its root net need oxygen, beside a prober PH of the medium (6-7 PH) and a wet compact soil full of clay have a tendency to get too acid, as all ready mention, do a repot and add some perlite, hydro/clay pellets/small stones can works as well

if you have some Hydrogen peroxide (3%) you can add a few drop`s to your water to provide some oxygen to your medium

Thanks for your response bro !!, do i need to put Hydrogen peroxide after i repot with a high quality soil which i am now getting it from ebay

The new soil which i am soon buying has a description below...what you guys recommend :bigjoint: ???

· 100% organic Micro Nutrients, Macro Nutrients, Naturally occurring Hormones and Enzymes
· Special Organic Matter to Enhance Health and overall Absorption Rate of Nutrients by Plants
· pH Balanced, Electrical Conductivity tested. Suitable to grow even Exotic Plants and Exotic Vegetables.
· Pathogen Free and Weeds Free
· Made from Compost Tea and out Vermicompost range, to ensure best organic culture for excellent overall health and results on plants.


Well-Known Member
Go easy 4 now, transplant and let her get used to new soil, when you see her new growth, start nutes.


Active Member
I never grew in coco, have no opinion, coco has no nutritional value it is used as a hydroponic growing medium.

Instead of buying overpriced brand name highly touted "super duper organic mixes" get this:

1. They are all based on Canadian peat moss as main ingredient with various ammendments.

2. You can buy canadian peat moss in US for about $10.00 for 3 cu feet (about 60 liters)

3. Then you can add some perlite, sand, organic shit like worm castings or compost, not necessary but highly benefitial. Egg shells, lime, wood ashes (lime mandatory to lup PH a bit). Then you get a mix as good or better than all those 80$ per bag commercial super duper hiper organic ( organic my ass, peat moss is 100% organic in the first place).

4. How many times you heard that: "Peat moss is a not renuvable or environmently friendly source. Bull shit, Canada has more peat moss than they can ever sell. Peat moss is the best organic, antipathogen, antifungus medium there is, it just needs some other ingredients to lower PH a bit and make it more airy.

5. That's what they all do (greedy growing mix companies, taking advantage of inexperienced gardeners. They put down and trash peat moss while using it as the main ingrediend in their overpriced "miraculous" mixes . FUCKEN PATHETIC.

6. There is no better and affordable basic 100% organic ingredient like peat moss, it is up to you to build a mix based on it for dime on a $ they charge for their product.

Get a bag of peat moss, wet it down, add 30% or more perlite or sand, dolomitic lime, some bone meal. Thats a minimum, but it is enough to equal or better overpriced commercial mixes, then if you can add some wood ashes (potash) and perhaps some worm castings, kelp, and whatever, your fricken mix is a way above all commercial mixes I don't care if they charge $100 a bag or more, your fricken mix is way above their shit.


Well-Known Member
if you are going soil, then get yourself some MycoGrow, Sea Kelp and this product (Budswell). That should get you started. Get a good draining soil(google how to make a damn good soil).


New Member
I grow both photoperiods and autos and that plant looks too small to be 2 weeks for either type. Anyways, I suggest what everyone else has been saying; add some aeration medium to the soil (vermiculite, peat moss, pearlite, coco, etc...) and you should be all set. Subbed.