1st Grow- Northern Lights & Jock Horror


Active Member
here are some pics from day 16. the leaf burns are from foliar spraying with water 10min before lights went out that morning. wont be doing that again....later.


Active Member
all is well, had to raise lights/lower plants tonight when the lights came on. the northern lights are really bushin' up and the jock is looking great. got some $ coming in at the end of the week so im gonna get some more 42w cfls. also gonna fix up my side lighting rig which will just be shower curtain rod(s) with the clamp on reflectors. i figure i can use multiple clamps at different angles and it can be easily raise/lowered for optimal lighting. these pics are from a couple days ago....the leaf burns are from spraying of water with lights on.

also...the NL with the burns, its first set of true leaves are now turning yellow. im guessing a bit of nute deficiancy or maybe just from the burns?
i am starting to think i might want to supplement some nutes with the MG but i dont want to put them at too great a risk of burning.....anyone have any advice?
i was thinking some molasses and some ferts used at 1/4 strength. any ideas? peace!


Active Member
here are some new pics. have noticed that the NL likes the lights a bit closer than the Jock. NL2(blue pot) is quickly become queen(hopefully) of the closet. its even starting to get some not so opposing branches, but not alternating(if that even means shit). looks like im gonna the lose the 1st set(single blade) of leaves on NL1, and also starting in on the Jock too. can anyone tell me if i need some nutes or should i just wait and see.....
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im back....well i think i have me a boy. cant find camera atm or id post a pic. thank goodness its the the slightly retared grower STUNT JOCK. description: looks like a tiny green seed. none of the other plants are showing and i began lst last night. damn. repeat. cant find camera atm or id post a pic. i love my nieces and nephews. really. i do. the others are doing great and oh are they starting to smell good. not strong yet but when i leave the room for a bit and go back in....ahhhh! going lookin for my camera again.....


Active Member
Wait til you see clusters or a white hair. Then you'll know for sure.
ok....even the top of main branch has even more small green pods developing. it would not suprise me none if it was male or hermie, it was the smallest and slowest growing during veg, and then stretched like hell in the first 2 days of flower. ive pretty much already given up on it, keeping only one 23w bulb on it. even if it wasnt a boy it wouldnt be worth flowering all the way out. still havnt found the cam..........


Active Member

here are the latest pics. the first 4 are the northern lights, looks like 2 dif phenos, and im really liking blue pot. its already starting to put off some great smells. my one good jock horror, #5 & 6, is doing good. since i tied it down the undergrowth is taking off like crazy. the last 2 pics are of the stunt jock. im no expert but.....i believe im seeing balls. if im wrong let me know. ive got it sleeping in a seperate room atm but im always up for some man bashing...haha. any comments on my lst? its my first and i probably started it too late but hey, im learning. peace.....


Active Member
How old are your plants from sprouting?
theyre approximately 25 days old. i veg'd 24/7 from seed and theyve been on 12/12 for about 10 days now.


ok....got that out. bad news, i guess. got another male. and its my big baby in the blue pot. GRRRRRRRRR!!! but i think im gonna make the best of it. thinking about putting it outside to continue flowering and harvest some pollen. i really like this plant pheno....smells great and grew real easy and fast. any advice about said move? not legal where i am and i live in a close proximity neighborhood, with smell being the biggest factor. keeping my fingers crossed on the other 2. neither has shown sex, at least not male, which is good. later.....
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Active Member
sweet!!!!!! went back to grow and upon further inspection..........the last 2 are girls!!! counted at least 10 white hairs on the jock and around 6-7 on the nl. so i rearranged the light setup putting most of my good bulbs on the ladies. each girl now has 3 42w, 27k bulbs and 1 27w, 5k bulb to bask under. i put 2 23w bulbs on the recent male. i imagine ill try to flower it outside. can someone tell me what the smell might be like?
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Well-Known Member
Northern Light is supposed to be odor-neutral. I have a Blue Mystic that's supposed to be just like it. I can really only notice the smell when I turn my fan off.


Active Member
yeah that bushy male is definetly NOT odor-neutral. my other NL is. do you think the smell will be real noticeable if i put it outside.?


Active Member
id say 10ft between houses. normal size barkyard. lots of trees around. how long does it take for the pollen sacs to open?


Active Member

so out of six seeds germ'd i ended up with 2 lovely ladies, gina the jock...as in daaaamn, gina!, and lexy. as of today they are 26 days of age and struttin' their stuff. i put the big male outside this morn and freed it from bondage. was standing tall when i got home, pollen sacs swelling. must find suitable container for pollen. also going to pick up some molasses and some bloom ferts. that bud on gina looks sweeter by the day....cant wait to taste her! Peace.