1st. grow need advise W/ pics


Active Member
Hello everyone, This is what i have & would appreciate any & al advise so i can adjust & not make mistakes on my next grow next month.. The plants are blue himalian fem. & 2 bubblegum auto fems. in a 2x2x3' cabinet W/ 6" fan & 4 1" air holes in the top.. 2 100wt.daylight & 2 100wt cool white cfl's & have 2 more each that will go in next month when they get a bit bigger.. I got my seeds last sat. & germed them & the next day after they got the taproot i put them directly into their 2gal pot because my resurch said to do this with autos because of severe shock with autos.. If u have any advise or comments for me to improve it would be greatly appreciated, Thank you... Please bare in mind i dont live in nice towns like most of you people, I only have a walmart that carries nothing !!! I have to drive 72 miles to get to a decent walmart & next grow i will do so & be better prepared... Thanks



Well-Known Member
did you consider to buy stuff you need online and get em shippd to you ?

I got my HPS from the UK (Im in Denmark) had it with in 4 work days and cost less then the gas I would have used to drive to a shop ..
did also buy T5HO tubes from a shop in Holland and seed .. dunno wher they actualy came from .. just found a random shop and orderd them ...

nice plants .. cant help you much with them since Im on my fist grow and I dont have autos ..


Active Member
Thanks anyway, i got got my seeds from overseas but my landlord is allways trying to be overly friendly by bringing me my mail & stuff & him being a born again christian who also was into the life its not that easy for me to do this stuff, everyone in my apt is super noosey, but this grow will help me to do better on the rest of the seeds next time ( I hope !!! ) Do you know anything about these filters i keep hearing about ??? I hear everyone say the stink will be bad with them & i only have a small box & dont know anything about what kind to get & how much they cost ??


Well-Known Member
well ..

when I order stuff I mostly order it to my work (since Im at work when the mail man do his rounds)

and my colleague are also pretty curious ..

but as I also often order stuff for my bike (btw nice avatar you got ther ;) I drive a 500 ccm Suzuki)
I just tell em its parts .. show em it when it is parts and just leave it be when its not ;)

I hear everyone say the stink will be bad
yea .. I can help you on that one :)

it will !!! as some wrote "ventilation/oder controle is as importent as light and water"

I did`t know how much either .. just had my 2 plants on a table in the corner of my room with a cover infront ..

in the start it was ok .. fist 2-4 weeks .. but then it begon to get to much (Im in a appartment of 82 sq M) and they aint even in flowering yet !

I got this


100mm canal ventilation (145/187 M3/hr) cost me like 80$
and a activ carbon filter (cost like 75$)


half a hour later I could stay in my appartment agin with out being anoyd about the smell ..
and 2 hours later I couldnt smell anything .. not even all the wood and plastic I just used to build my new room .. before it was a pretty nasty stink of two smelly plants .. plastick .. wood .. silicone and all the stuff I just put up in my room .. now thers nothing ..

make sure filter match the ventilation or can take more M3/Hr

my room is like 7x3 feet and about 7-8 feet in hight .. and I schould maybe have got a 125 or maybe even a 150mm ventilator .. so do the mat and go for a slightly bigger one then you need .. SPECIAL if you have problems with heat as I have with my 600W HPS ..


Active Member
Thanks alot for the filter advise, that thing looks like a very expencive unit & in looking at it looks like ur pulling out the air from ur grow space ??? So can i just build manifold inside my box & use a fan to suck out the air & have it go through some a/c or heater filter medium ??? I cant have something like you have or everyone will know what im doing especially my girlfriend ( she wants me to live on all these pain meds & there killing me ) How bad will it really get ??? I pivked the bubblegum because they said it smelled like candy ??? It was much eaiser 35 yrs ago in the corn fields !!! How about if i only grow 1 at a time, will that not smell ??? Thanks alot for ur help


Well-Known Member
you will need a activ carbon filter ..

you can buy activ carbon and make it your self .. google it .. cost like 50$ for a bucket with 10 KG in it .. guess it would be enough for 2-3 filters dependin on size .. filters last like a year or so .. some claim thers last two .. some say they changes evry 18 month ..

I dunno if them filters in air cleaners and ..hmm what is the english name .. ? ... them you have in the kitchen over your cooker .. works ?

I have been looking at them .. but dont think it will be enough ?



dunno .. you could try ..

a good filter and ventilation will atlest cost you sumthing like 120$ ...

but I guess you will find out if that is sumthing your ready to spend when they get bigger/start flowering ..

mine (at 6 weeks old) smelld like REALY bad male cat piss ... in the hole appartment .. 2 days I had problems sleeping .. then got the filter ..

guess you cant do it half ..

good luck ..


Well-Known Member
I agree with slipon buy it online, its not like your a major hydro grower being watched. Ebay is good ,the hydro boys are so competitive the prices are low(lower than walmart and $50 fuel) and its delivered in 3-4 days, also if your not at home thru the day for the courier get a PO box. When you do go shopping get some perlite for the medium, those seedlings are badly overwatered ,blow a fan on the pots and reduce watering till pots dry.


Well-Known Member
guess sumthing like this could work for your size of grow ..


and just a normal bathroom fan to pull air out of your grow box through the filter ..

that is if you dont have problems with heat (guess you wont if you use CLF all the way) and only want to controle odour and if your ready/able to do it your self .. guess a normal 100 m3/hr would be good for a small room/box as yours ..

I can easily do it .. realy .. Im a metal worker .. I make machines for the medical and textile industries .. we even have lots of stainlesssteel plate/perforatet plate and 200 my Netting ... but realy .. the carbon would cost the same as a filter .. a filter who last atlest a year ..

did`t want to use 4-5 lunch breaks to make a filter to have enough carbon around for 3 years !!! + all the messy work ..
did just order one and put it up ..

if you search Im sure you can find the smallest 100 mm filter for like 50$ and a small 100 mm PC/tube ventilator for like 30-40$
maybe like 100$ with shiping if your lucky and do the work .. and you get a odour free room and no neighbours will ever know what your doing .. belive me .. its wort it ..


Active Member
Thanks for all the help & advise on filters & perlite, i didnt think i would need all the filters & stuff but hey i guess i will be doing alot of expencive learning on this 1st grow & hope to have it all worked out for the next one.. The reason i picked the bubblegum is because they said it smelled just like it ( what a fool i was to believe that !!! ) I will be checking on line for cheap ways to build one or buy one.. They also said not to transplant autos but im going to take ur advise & add perlite & hope it gets better.. Thanks alot everyone, i really appreciate all ur help


Well-Known Member
if your going to transplant it anyway .. try to get some nice 3 gallon pots .. with lots of drain holes in them ..

if you want to safe money and dont have many shops to choose from .. just buy some normal plastic buckets used for cleaning aso. schould be 4 gallon or so (mine is) and drill some nice one inch holes (maybe 6-8 in the bottom from draining .. your plants/roots will love it ..

and use some good dirt (not so expensiv to buy) you can find a lot of good recipes if you google it or in here .. I know I will mix my own for my next grow .. with perlite, sand, lega, coco, worm casting aso.

I bet I could go right now and pick up 3 big buckes and 2 normal bags of plant dirt from my local market for like 20$ or so ..

my plants lookd so much better once I transplantet them and gave em fresh dirt and more room .. mine is`t autos .. but it did only take a day or two for them to get used to the new bigger pots and dirt and get growing agin .. so even with autos 2 days is`t much and the result is great .. atlest it was for mine .. grew so fast and lookd so helty after a few days in ther new pots ..


Well-Known Member

with all the nice work you have done on your room ..

you schould realy consider to finish it off with a nice hood/refextor for your lights ..

your wasting half the light !!

if you go shopping online from a hydro store and pay for shipping anyway .. buy one/or a few feets or maylor and make one your self .. one that can fit all your bulbs .. can just take one or two out if you think its to much light ..


Active Member
Thank you all so much for all the help you have given me with my 1st. grow, I think now with all the good advise in hand i will do nuch better on my next one, but for now its off to springfield to walmart for that wonderful 72 mile drive so i can reap some good results out of this failed attempt.. Get some better soil W/ perlite hoods for the lights & see what i can get on a filter... Say, what if i buy a nice fan & make a manifold to go over it & have it blow into some filter material ??? Is it possible that will work ???


Active Member
Ok, I have taken everyones advise & taken the nice 150 mile drive to a decent walmart & have come back with some decent potting soil, peatmoss, & perlite mixed it up & transplanted the 3 ladies & even taken the advise of putting 1 of them into a 4gal bucket to see which one of the bubblegums comes out better, so now i wait to see & pray they dont go into too much shock.. Next month i will have to see about the filter system & hope i can find something online cheap enough to pickup because walmarts price was way out of my price range.. So once again thank you all for all the help & advise !!!


Well-Known Member
damn walmarts prices was to high !!

realy .. if you cant affort it you schould consider your growth ..or safe up ... you realy cant do this half (I found out the hard way aswell)

Im sure you could take out a oz or two of them plants with them clfs and live with a real bad odour for a month or two to get it ..

but I know that my most priced buy is my carbon filter and ventilation ... not my 600W HPS ..

with out the ventilation and filter I would realy strugle with heat .. my plants wouldnt get mouch fresh air and the odour would be insane ..
so ther is`t realy any short cuts here ..

unless you plan to plant them out side once they grow bigger and begins to smell ? dunno if that is a option ?

I did google it a littel and I can easily find cheap 100mm carbon filters for around 40-50$ and they can last atlest a year ..

best investment I did .. fist 2-3 weeks ther was no smell for me .. after that I could smell them when entering my house .. after 5 weeks or so it was bad and mine is`t flowering yet and it is surpose to get realy bad then ! (hope my 100mm filter is enough by then)

well .. best of luck to you .. and post some more picturs later on and tell us how it turns out for you ..
would like to know how the candy smell is going to be like :)


Active Member
tyedye good job so far... make sure the potting soil doesn't have any nutrients in it. in those first pics the seedlings look a little burnt. they are very sensitive to nutes and don't really need them until at least a week old. worm castings, perlite and peat moss make a great starter mix for seedlings. i buy my castings on ebay, they come in a nondescript priority mail box. they are a wonderful food source, won't burn seedlings and you can make tea to water your plants with. if there's one thing i would grow with, it's those.

if you're trying to hide this from your gf and nosy friends... good luck. the smell will get real bad a few weeks into flower, and even worse towards harvest. during my first grow my carbon scrubber failed 6 weeks into flower and i could smell it from outside my house. not good. not trying to scare ya just be prepared, some strains are stinkier than others. google "diy carbon filter" and you can make one fairly easily, then hook it to a good PC axial fan and pull air from your grow room. ONA gel blocks also work well, or so i hear.


Active Member
Thanks everyone for all the help & advise, I will be much better prepared on the next grow in 2 months & have a much better set up & a filter cheaper than walmarts $249.00.. I just hope i didnt make a mistake by transplanting ??? Im trying one of my bubblegums in the 4gal bucket to see if it makes any difference, im now looking at my walk in closet for the next grow but think i might be pressing my luck a bit at this point, i need 2 get control of this one first & keep everyone posted as to how things turned out... Thanks for aall the help everyone
try these threads, lots of very usfull stuff and the DIY carbon filters can work well https://www.rollitup.org/indoor-growing/90893-ultimate-odour-control-thread.html

The $3 carbon filter - https://www.rollitup.org/grow-room-design-setup/63004-my-3-carbon-filter.html should work very well for you, all you need is an exhaust fan to hook it up to.

At $3 a peice even if you have to change it every month its worth it (most say depending on size and fit it can last one grow total)
This is the route I am taking, have a closet with three plants, and a 220CFM blower venting out the roof, just going to stuff these babies in the vent and i should be smell free!


Well-Known Member
walk in closet sounds perfect :)

I myself startet on a table .. in the corner of my room with a cover on a rail in front of it and a T5HO fixture ..

and I have now build my very own walk in closet ;)
in my bed room .. did just take last 3 feet of my room and made a "fake" wall .. so my room is like 9x3 feet and full hight (7-8 feet)

had to controle odour and light/darkness and also nice to hide em away a littel ..


my fist "room" just a normal office table in a corner of my room with a double cover (black/white) on a rail in front ..

and my build :) or some of it ..


just a fake wall made out of cheap 2x2" wood and masonite .. and some plywood for the entrance/ventilation ..


inside ..





but keep working on it and upgrade it .. I know I will .. as I found out my ventilation is a bit small for my room/heat ..
next month I might go and buy a 150mm and changes it with the 100mm and maybe use that for intake/fresh air ..

best of luck ..