1st grow, need advice and have pictures

Please don't make fun of my grow set up, I don't have much money for a great setup yet, maybe in the future. I currently have a closet with foil( I know lots of people hate foil and paint would be better, but again no money) and LED lights bought from the hardware store. The foil is the best I could do and I wasn't worried about hot spots because I'm using LEDs. The LEDs are just warm white light bulbs from lowes, the only thing I could afford without having to worry about heat. The room is on the top floor of my house and is usually 80 degrees or more. I just added a co2 source in the form of a milk jug with sugar/yeast. The plants are doing good, no problems so far, I just have questions as far as when I should flower. Could I do it now? Should I wait?

I have pictures I'll attach, Plant 1 is amazing, strain unknown, but it has the whorled phyllotaxy ( 3 stems at each node) I hope its female, but I've read they tend to be male.
Plant 2 is normal, strain unknown.

Space is an issue, should I flower or wait for the new growth at the nodes to mature....

I moved the plants to take photos as the foil was interfering. Are they ready? Oh and I tried to get a good shot at the side of plant 1 to show better the whorled phyllotaxy...


I forgot to mention I'm using a soil/peat mix for them. Already transplanted once and probably will again, but can I transplant during flowering? or should it be done before? Oh and another question, I've read some people use water from their fish tanks because of the nutrients, is this a good idea?


Well-Known Member
. just go out and buy some cheap mg catus food for flower and mg allpourpouse for veg i mean i would never use fish tank water it would produce allot of amonia witch can give off allot of gasses have u ever pissed in a toilet bowl and forgot to flush for a day or so it stinks doesnt in well fish piss is just as bad
Do they look like they aren't getting enough light? and as far as the fish thing goes It sounded like a bad idea so I haven't done it, I've been using very littl fert.

The New Jim Jones

Well-Known Member
you can never have too much light, and that whorled phyllax or whatever the hell is a keeper for sure, so many possibilites with something like that, topped for 27 heads with only 3 toppings, not to mention how many more budsites there would be with a third node, and how much denser you buds would be, and you would be able to get 1/2 more clones from a mother, that is super badass
Other then more light, and nutrients... should I wait a little longer to flower? I know ideally i should wait until it has alternating nodes, but will it flower if i do it now?


Well-Known Member
. just go out and buy some cheap mg catus food for flower and mg allpourpouse for veg i mean i would never use fish tank water it would produce allot of amonia witch can give off allot of gasses have u ever pissed in a toilet bowl and forgot to flush for a day or so it stinks doesnt in well fish piss is just as bad
lmao, yeah that could be an issue!!!


Well-Known Member
to much light gets to the roots u want a contaner that is dark completly where light cannnot get to them wraping the container in some kind of thick black tape can fix this issue. and yes u deffintly need more light why did u go with a led? like i said before get u some cfl they are great for a first budget grow
if you are worried about hight it might be worth topping them but its perfectly fine to start flowering them now , good luck mate
Anyone ever heard of Guppyponics? Laugh now, but I bet a lot of people bought gear from a breeder that does exactly that... Did some one say Spice of Life 13 years ago? What the origional Shiskaberry was grown in soil with water from a guppy tank? Say it aint so... It's so...


The New Jim Jones

Well-Known Member
wait until they get bigger and stronger to flower them, move them into bigger pots to 3 gal is good, get good soil like roots organic or (god forbid) fox farm, fox farm is heavy though, so you wouldnt need to feed them nutes if you wanted to make them flower ASAP while they were young, and light feeding, maybe a bit of molasses in flowering, and move them out of that see through container it rapes your roots, and get a good light now, because you do not want flower them with that piece of shit. or veg them, or grow them what so ever with a light like that, really cop on some CFL's bro, real cheap you can get 6 for $50 or so dollars at home depot, your plants will grow way better