1st grow, my plants are pissing me off!


Active Member
This post is mostly venting but any tips are appreciated.

This is my first real grow. I started about 20 plants back in jan. and I burned all but 3 plants so bad they withered away and died. I decided to buy a book on growing and read that and I got the whole fertilizer thing figured out and got my soil plans figured out. I started new seeds and the whole veg cycle went pretty well. My plants are now close to 7 weeks into flowering and get really starting to piss me off cuz im having several issues and having a lot of trouble fixing them. My plants were doing great during flowering but until about 3 weeks ago. My plants started showing signs of a nitrogen deficiency so I added some fish emulsions to my fert regimen and that seemed to help a little but then they just got worse. I added some bone meal (6-9-0) to the soil and that didn’t help either. Last week the plants started getting really yellow all over, some leaves have crispy tips and burn spots, the leaves started curling under like with fert burn and started cupping downward and some leaves started turning a purple/reddish color. Now these are bag seed plants so maybe some purpling is supposed to be there but I think it’s a iron deficiency. Basically the plants looked like shit and were showing signs of a lack of overall nutrition so I concluded that I have a salt build up from the fertilizer. I carried all 9 plants outside and tried to flush them the best I could. Its hard to run 9 gallons of water through each of the 9 plants. I flushed them twice the best I could with the hose and some of the plants seem to be looking better. I think they just need a good dose of N to get back into good shape. 4-5 other plants look worse than ever. I flushed all my plants out really really well again yesterday and I feel that I got rid of any left over salt build up. I watered all the plants with hygrozyme and molasses but am afraid to add any more fertilizer so I tried foliar feeding. Today my flora kleen flushing solution came in so I watered with that just to be safe. I started plucking the dead leaves off my plants today and notice some of the buds looked like they were growing seeds. I split one bud open and out popped a big ass seed. Now, I removed all males over a month ago so I started checked all my plants and I’d say pretty much all the biggest buds on the tops of the plants have been pollinated and are growing seeds. I started looking for a hermi and found one plant that hermied on me from the stress. Now it didn’t grow one or 2 male parts, this plant had balls all over it but they were hard to see through the leaves and buds. I removed that plant and it will be chopped down tomorrow to start drying cuz I don’t want the rest of my crop getting fucked, pun intended. After I removed that plant I went back in looking for more hermies and I saw gnats flying around the base of several plants. I check my plants daily so I think they just moved in today but now I get to deal with fucking fungus gnats’ also found one other plant that had one male pollen sac on it and I just removed the polled sac with a razor.
I think I made it through the worst of it, but if it isn’t one thing its another. I’m really learning a lot from all this but I’m about to pull my fucking hair out, but on the bright side, I get to take my frustration out on those little fucking gnats that want to eat my hard work.
Now, the plants that are still really wilted and show a total lack of nutrition, should I just foliar feed them or should I fertilize them like normal? Do I start off with a high dose of fertilizer or a low dose or a normal dose? I know they need food bad!
Thanks for listening to my venting, I feel better now lol.

Oh, oh, oh....I almost forgot, the hermie that i removed was foilar fed fertilizer yesterday, will misting with water wash off the fertilizer? i really dont want to smoke fertilizer.


Active Member
Well, first of all, plants naturally turn yellow towards the end of their LIFE. At like 8 weeks of flower man, that means your plant knows the end is near and YES, her leaves will turn yellow. It wasn't a deficientcy. You should read those books a little bit more. She was doing what she was supposed to do, and you panicked and threw some BAD ferts into her (bone mealz? lol) and then flushed her right after that. You sir, are going to have some funky tasting buds. I can tell it's your first grow because instead of ASKING QUESTIONS FIRST, you go to your garden, fuck up even more, THEN come back and as us questions. You're one funny dude!


Active Member
i've asked plenty of questions and i know they turn yellow towards the end but they dont turn yellow at 4 weeks and the leaves dont curl under(happened before adding the fertz). How do you constitute bone meal as a BAD fert?


Active Member
uh, you said they are at 7 weeks in your first post. Make up your mind. And I don't aprove of bonemeal in my soil, kthxbi


Well-Known Member
wow alot of cocky fuckers on this site... anyways. stop smothering your plants, give them an a low dose wait a couple days up it again i dont do soil. but i did stay at a holiday inn express last night. and yes they will show deficiencies if your fert or nutes or whatever you use doesnt have enough N. im going to assume your using nutes strickly for flowering? they tend to have a low N count and high Pk. so yes your plant could use up all its reserved N in three to 4 weeks. i keep a little N in the mix for vigor. helps. Good Luck and stop fondling your women, theres an art to sudduction.


Active Member
i said they are close to 7 weeks NOW and i stated the problem STARTED 3 weeks ago, there for they were 4 weeks into flowering when they started turning yellow. learn to read before you post and stop acting like a douche bag bry, just because you act like you know it all doesnt mean you really do. Nothing you've said in your 3 posts have been helpfull, therefor you are useless to this post and should fuck off, thank you.
Musicislfe, The flowering nutes i have are 10-30-20 and i had already added a small amount of fish emulsions for a N boost.

The plants look better except for 2 of them, they still have curled under leaves like they have been over fertilized. should i just keep waiting to see if flushing worked?