1st grow - look ok?

i do equal parts of each...maybe a lil bit more perlite to keep it nice and loose...when mixing it up you should be able to take some in your hand...make a fist...and it compact nicely...and it should break up if you just barely touch it...then you have a good mix
do you do anything about the ph?


i do equal parts of each...maybe a lil bit more perlite to keep it nice and loose...when mixing it up you should be able to take some in your hand...make a fist...and it compact nicely...and it should break up if you just barely touch it...then you have a good mix
do you have to wet the mix down and let it sit before you pot?


no all u need is bnq own brand multi purpose soil trust me mate i used this on my grow im a rookie at this shit but mine seem to be doing good have a wee look and if u need any help let me no


Well-Known Member
do you have to wet the mix down and let it sit before you pot?
i normally get my mix together...saturate the whole pot/container...mix it all up really well...then ill let it sit till all the water stops running out...then i transplant or place my seeds in it

do you do anything about the ph?
i keep my water ph'd at 6.5...then weekly i check the run off of each plant then adjust the ph as needed...if my soil ph is low...ill raise my water ph and vice versa...i also flush my plants once every 2-3 weeks...but thats because this time around im growing in smaller containers for a project im working on


Well-Known Member
I always laugh at people who use MG, I have read so many stories here and other sites, but every now and than people get great success with it. I decided to try MG seed starter mix on the new seeds I got 4 months ago and I had no problems and all I did was water them. I use it regularly for my clones. I never thought I would say this but I love the shit and so do my little ones. I start all my seeds and clones in 16oz transparent beer cups. I poke 2 holes in the bottom with my pocket knife and give it a little twist to make it more like a slot, holes plug up. Put dirt in and water, let drain about 5 min. than poke a hole drop the seed in and cover. The transparent cups let me see if the pant needs water or got enough. Good luck.

I do agree don't water so often, and keep the seeds going they will recover and by be the ones!!!!!


ok man im gonna try your mix for a SOG ill let you know how it goes. Maybe ill make a thread of it Organic choice Vs Ocean forest SOG style lol


Well-Known Member
MG works great..long as you dont over feed and over water them...learn to read the plant..it will tell you what it needs...and if you do a search on here a guy did a side by side grow of MG verses fox farms ocean forest...the MG did just as good if not a little better then the FFOF.....most of the people i have seen flaming MG soils are new growers...MG isnt the highest selling soil for nothing
MG works great..long as you dont over feed and over water them...learn to read the plant..it will tell you what it needs...and if you do a search on here a guy did a side by side grow of MG verses fox farms ocean forest...the MG did just as good if not a little better then the FFOF.....most of the people i have seen flaming MG soils are new growers...MG isnt the highest selling soil for nothing
see thats why i bought it, i thought it was the best so i used it. imma make a perlite peat moss seedling mix (all miracle grow) then transfer into the organic choice mixed with perlite and peat moss, sound good?


Well-Known Member
see thats why i bought it, i thought it was the best so i used it. imma make a perlite peat moss seedling mix (all miracle grow) then transfer into the organic choice mixed with perlite and peat moss, sound good?
sounds good to me bro....and here is a link i found..if you scan down to post #439...this shows mg vs ffof....shows first hand that MG will go up against and out perform any top $ soil...if they are properly taken care of...like any plant...https://www.rollitup.org/newbie-central/373397-test-progress-miracle-grow-soil-27.html


Well-Known Member
i was just getting iffy when mixing the soil. soil thinned out really quick with the vermiculite.
hell...my next grow i think im going to do just perlite,verm,peat moss...the soil isnt a must...soiless grows are becoming more and more popular.
Interesting, im going to have to look into that. Would probably help with this nute burn. would i still feed it regular plant food?


Well-Known Member
Interesting, im going to have to look into that. Would probably help with this nute burn. would i still feed it regular plant food?
yeah you would feed it the same...but maybe start feeding it earlier since your not getting the nutes that are normally in the soil...just depends on rate of growth and the strain
Transplanted yesterday ( put seedlings into new soil ) risky i know but one of them seems to be gaining some life again, getting some more green on her, hope they live on!
i have a few pics on the first page but imma start over i think, this soil is just going to murder my plants so imma try again and see if i cant get this right.
One of my seedlings just broke through ground and dropped the shell but it looks bruised, this normal? still green, but just has dark spots on it