1st Grow Journal with pics


Ok people i started to start a gro journal . So i built a 4' high 2.5' wide box, built my own reflector, and started out with 6 27w cfl 5500 bulbs, i also started germing the seed threw the paper towel method. So i started with 6 seed and they were all going good except 1, i left for a couple of days and left my burnout friend in charge and guess what he forgot to water, so the one that wasent doing so good is completley dead and now iam left trying to revive 5 good looking plant, and comments would be much appreciated. Thank You



So here are the rest of my pics my babys are 2 weeks old how do they look, the first ones are at a week old



I added 3 lights to the bottom of the plants, and i only have 5 now. When i start to veg it will be in a 10' high x 4' wide and 3' deep, iam going to use a mix of diffrent bulbs in order to cover the full spectrum of the sun, i was thinking about 15 to 20 bulbs for veg for 5 plants.


The 3rd from last pic is the one without water for like 3 days as u can see in the pic the cup that stands alone is the one that died, i will be adding new pics in a bit


Ok people i need some help, when should i switch to a bigger bucket i was thinking 5 gallon, i am in the 2nd week of veg, here are some pics trying to get my babys healthy from no water in 3 days they look real good 1 looks extreamly well.

Martian Farts

Active Member
great lookin setup man...i wouldnt say go all the way to 5-gallon...maybe 2.5 or 3 gallon.

looking forward to watchin this...subscribed!

Martian Farts

Active Member
its really best to transplant when you notice a significant drop in growth rate, because that most likely means the plant is out of space


Ok so i transfered my plants i have 5 total, i made my own dirt using 2 bags MG Organic choice, 1 bag MG Perlite, and 1 bag Peat moss, i also addeded about 2 cups each of MG organic bone meal and blood meal, i also addeded 8 more lights 4 3500k 23 w 1600l, and 4 6500k 23w 1600l bulbs



Active Member
Whats your PH at man? Your leaves r twistin and curlin bad which means your pH is more than likely way off. If ya need to buy something I recommend the little test strips you can buy at the local hardware store or local pool supplies store and its these little test strips that you just dip in the water and it tells you pH amongst other things. I spent 6 bucks on twenty five of them. Well worth it.

If it aint your ph then whatever soil they were in was way to hot (to much fertilizer). I know you just transplanted them, so make sure you give em a few days to recover now and water when the pots feel light. Make sure you get a feel for how the pots feel when you water them to so thatt way you have an idea of when you need to water.

Also your lights are not close enough. You want those CFL's within two inches of your foliage.