1st grow journal, all tips and advise welcomed


Well-Known Member
i STARTED ANOTHER THREAD WHEN I STARTED MY GROW. Not getting too many responses., and I couldn't figure out how to change the title. So here goes.

Here are some of the first pic's
8 days old.jpg10 days.jpg
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001 (2).jpg003 (2).jpg004 (2).jpg

006 (2).jpg

Today's pic's. Will be putting in flower ina cple of days. Waiting until my 4x4x8 box is rdy. 600 watt hps. Thinking about putting some extra lights on the sides. 3 or 4 cfl's maybe. I'm going to pull clones off the bottom of these. They are femed seeds. I ordered 5 mystery fems from nirvana. I know, not a smart choice for first time grow. These grew under a 2' t5 light w/ 3 cfl's after about 4 weeks. So the t5's were for 4 weeks and I then added the cfl's for the second 4 weeks.


Well-Known Member
Looks good. Doesn't look like you need many pointers yet either.

I don't personally think you'll need more than 600W for 3 plants though.

grandpa 1949

Well-Known Member
Looks like your doing good.
When you pull your clones make sure your plants are in the veg stage not into flower!
I'm old school, and if you want to try something like what your doing I say go for it. It may not turn out ok
but you will learn as you go!
I would say the 600 watt HPS in you box should be ok but watch out for heat stress. Now more then 85 degrees.
If you want to add cfl's that's on you. It might help but remember heat!
How many times did you top them? I top my at least 3 times at the 3rd node. Yes I know others do it at the 4th node but as I have said I have been at this longer(since the 60's) than most have been alive here!
Hope you the best! As we say in Tennessee!


Well-Known Member
Ty's I topped it twice on mains and once on sides. Thinking 8 colas. If it don't grow out on sides I will still have 4, and with the size of my big plant. Should be one purty sight.
Been super cropping too. It's giving me a few more days in this small box. Flower box should be rdy in a day or two. When I put into flower. I'm thinking of tieing down some of the branches, so light can hit as much as possible. I seen a utube video of the plant being grown horizontal and it had about 10 thick branches shooting up toward light, cola on each.

Got a question,,, When going to 12/12 from 18/6, would it be a good idea to gradually lessen the light? Was going to run 17/7 for a day then16/8 for a day, until I hit 12/12

grandpa 1949

Well-Known Member
You got the right idea on how to change the hours on the lighting and that's the correct way to do it.
But I just switch it on mine. But You do need to learn the right way first.


Well-Known Member
Thks Grandpa, Got my words bigger, just so this grandpa can see em better...lol
Took a few to figure out how.


Well-Known Member
Dont waste your time with gradual light. flip it on 12/12 when you want to flower, the drastic change in light tricks them to flower quicker.


Well-Known Member
In addition you might also want to consider painting the walls of you cab white to reflect the light more efficiently. Other than that you are doing a lot better then most on your first grow the plants look very healthy. Ill rep ya for those lovely ladies.


Well-Known Member
The reason I asked about light is because, tying these down , pulling clones and then going from a small 2' t5 light to a 600 watt hps. I was thinking that might stress them out, then add the instant light change might screw them up. One of them is already retarted,,,lol the smallest plant in my bunch is as old as the biggest. I put seedling into fox farm soil and 1 was really bad and the other is my small plant, took 3 weeks or so to recover. The other one I had to toss. So next grow is going to be mixed with at least 25% of a medium with less nutes. I was told fox farm has too much nutes for a seedling. 2 of my seeds took it real good. The tallest and the smallest,,,,lol are 8 weeks 2 days in veg. the other is 7 weeks. I originally didn't want to veg for 8 weeks, but I wanted to get to at least 18" before I put into flower. Seen some nice 5 or 6 footers come out of a good 2' veg. My box is 8' high for a reason.

grandpa 1949

Well-Known Member
I use fox farm, ocean forest, but mix some stuff in it. I never had a problem but I let my mix, cook, for 90 days before I use it. You got to be careful with all the stuff.


Well-Known Member
I don't know the strain. I ordered 5 indoor mystery fems from Nirvana. I will be getting some tangerine dream on my next order. Will be awhile though, clones off this and the next harvest or two will keep me going for awhile. Not growing to sell, Just getting older and lost touch with people that would have it. So I'm doing just for me, might give a bud or two to friends. I also want to see if I can do this, with weed getting legal everywhere, this could be a heck of an investment for future use.


Well-Known Member
Here they are, 1 week into flower. About 24 to 28" tall Under a 600 watt hps.
Read alot about spider mites, 1st day they were in this box, I came out the next morning and had white powder all over them. My first thought was spider mites, Well I just painted box 2 days before, Thank god that was it. I have some discoloration on a few of the leaves, I'm thinking its the tiger bloom, heard that was strong.
Do I need to prune these or do anything to them? Any advise for this first time grow would be helpful. I pulled clones off these and most are dying. Looks like start from seed again, I was trying to get a rotating system with clones from these, that way when these are rdy to harvest, clones are rdy to flower. Now a 2 or 3 week delay while waiting for more seeds. Thinking about it, a 3 week delay will give me time to harvest and dry, just in case it runs past 8 weeks to flower. Didn't do much to these guys except top several times and supercropped a few times on each main cola. If I read right, I should get about 10 or so main cola's on these. Hoping they get about 5' high.