1st grow, is there a problem with this?


Well-Known Member
i know right? i think that it has a lot to do with the fact that i bring her out everyday and put her in a sunny window


Well-Known Member
yea some seeds are weird at first so ull be fine jsut keep us updated the next few days with pics so we can elt u know
have to agree. I've got a girl whose first 3 seta of leaves were all the same size as well as her being an apparent rUnt.
She ended up being the first to flower and has now outgrown the rest of my girls.
Like they told me on here on RIU be patient, and careful not to try and micromanage every little blemish or curling of a leaf. They are weeds and if allowed to grow with the proper nutes can be a beautiful (flowering)and enjoyable(harvest) experience


Well-Known Member
hows it goin jadeshecky. just checkin in to see your grow. care to post a recap on whats been goin on? how you are growing this or these plants.....


Active Member
Hi JS :-)

Looking beautiful. Nice and healthy. can't beat a bit of natural sunlight, I do the same with mine on good days, they love it.

There was a guy on here some time back who did some tests using a light metre. He found that the light levels of a plant behind glass in a greenhouse on a summer day were way, way higher than when measured right underneath a 600watt HPS........ so that's food for thought ? Certainly you see them pull those fans right up. Theres a shot of my Mazar a few pages back in my thread where I caught the suns rays striking through her canopy. utilise that giant growlamp in the sky would be my advice to any grower.


Well-Known Member
hows it goin jadeshecky. just checkin in to see your grow. care to post a recap on whats been goin on? how you are growing this or these plants.....
not doing anything different really, just posted pics yesterday. although i did water and fed her today and bumped up the nutes to 2ml each of AN grow, micro and bloom. thats about it.


Well-Known Member
Hi JS :-)

Looking beautiful. Nice and healthy. can't beat a bit of natural sunlight, I do the same with mine on good days, they love it.

There was a guy on here some time back who did some tests using a light metre. He found that the light levels of a plant behind glass in a greenhouse on a summer day were way, way higher than when measured right underneath a 600watt HPS........ so that's food for thought ? Certainly you see them pull those fans right up. Theres a shot of my Mazar a few pages back in my thread where I caught the suns rays striking through her canopy. utilise that giant growlamp in the sky would be my advice to any grower.
that is so good to know! thanks man.


Well-Known Member
Picture of good health there JS, she's looking lovely :-) Really had a growth spurt since last update.
I agree :clap: :-P

I was getting worried for a second, i was just thinking yesterday, what ever happened to jade, good to know you and her are doing just fine :)


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3884192]I agree :clap: :-P

I was getting worried for a second, i was just thinking yesterday, what ever happened to jade, good to know you and her are doing just fine :)[/QUOTE]

I agree as well what a huge growth spurt,the plant looks beautiful in all phases.and i was also getting worried i thought u disapeared on all of us haha.Well keep up the good work stoner barbie ur doing great