1st grow. Hindu Kush and White Widdow x Trainwreck, 250w HPS


Three plants, all were clones from club

1 Hindu Kush, 2 month vegged

2 WW X TW, one week old clone


Botanicare Pure Blend Pro Bloom 1-4-5 - 15 mL / gal
Humboldt Nutrients Deuce Deuce 0-0-22 - 1 mL / gal
Hi - Brix Molasses - 15 mL / gal

My schedule is : Water, Water, Nutrients

I put the HK in 12/12 under a 250 HPS straight away, and the WW X TW a week later
Im kinda experimenting w/ the ww x tw, putting it under 12/12 as a small plant, not expecting much so what the hell.

This is the setup. its in an attic, it gets warm up there so we vented the intake straight from outside, sucking in fresh air, and the exhaust has a 6" inline fan suckin air out. temperatures range b/w 64 deg F and 85 deg F. there are two fans inside blowin air around. the dimensions are 26" L x 26" W X 5'10 H. its the biggest i could get up there. I cut off a good amount of the fan leaves that covered some of the better nug sites after week two, too many big fan leaves covered smaller nug sites.

The first picture is day one of flowering, the two small ones are ww x tw day 7 flowering, than the next few are day14 flower Hindu Kush, and the rest are day 20 flowering.

feel free to give me any suggestions or comments. id like to know what you think
o and sorry the pictures are kinda out of order. the last few pictures were day 20 flower



hey , dont kno if anyone is watchin this. if you are than speak upp. i have some new photos too

This is the Hindu Kush, day 27 flowering. The temps are getting kinda high... reaching 88 at its max temp and aroudn 63 at its min. humiditys is around 30-50%. I have a 6" inline fan pullin air out, and a 4 in duct pullin air in from outside. its in an attic so naturally its just hotter.

These Last two are the WW x Trainwreck, im building shelves for these guys so they will be closer to the light... they look like they are stretchin, but they smell super dank when i rub one of the leaves w/ trichomes on them and seem to be doin pretty well.


I just increased the nutes a few days ago, went up last night and the leaves were all a shade lighter, pretty light green leaves. Some of the older ones at teh bottom had turned yellow, and some of the stems were red. one leaf had a little bit of purple on it. Im pretty sure this is a nitrogen deficiency, so i need to add some nitrogen. Should i add some Botanicare Pro Grow to it? i know that the veg baseline nuts is high in nitrogen... so it makes sense to me. I also gave it some liquid karma and Botanicare pro bloom last night. Any suggestions are appreciated.


heyy... kno its been a while. been busy lately. well its almost the end of the 6th week flowering for the hindu kush. its looking gooood and smellin dank. it looks almost close to harvesting. i checked out the trichomes under a microscope, all are about clear. im gonna wait till a few of them turn amber first htough, and iv only been flushing for about a week. i started kinda late, if forgot about flushing. the WW x Trainwreck are starting week 6, and are looking pretty good too. the pot got too small and i never transplanted it, so im not expecting anything much. here ya go

o and i added a little nitrogen when i had that nitrogen deficiency, it turned it back green but the color is gettin light green agian, i think its because i just flushed it a few days ago. shoudl i do full flushes every day? i want all teh chemicals out for a nice smoke. i can wait longer if it means that i will have a better smoke. its been about a week since i last put any nutes in her

here are some bud shots of the white widow x tw

Heres some full shots of teh the hindu adn some bud shots too


oh i didnt realize i had to say somethin first before people post.. so post away if ya wanna


hey bro, nice set up! What problems did you encounter during your two months veg? and how did you remedy them? Do you know if two months is avg. veg time? I have bubble gum and white widow fem. that I'm stalking at the moment.......only 6 days from sprout.
