1st grow, harvest pics


Well-Known Member
I forgot to take a pic of them b4 I cut, the strain is ice cant wait to s what the dry weight is....here are some more pics....





Well-Known Member
wow, very nice! I'm just 2 weeks in flower, very jealous!

how big were they when you started flowering?

let us know the dry weight too!


Well-Known Member
2 plants and the dry weight will be posted as soon as I find out. but it might be like a week and a half. im wanting to dry and cure just right. I built that dryer box in the pic with the 3 drawers in it. I cant remember how long I vegged for but I know it was atleast 2 months had to wait to get the $ for the hps lol but I guess the wait turned out for the best ..


Well-Known Member
That is beautiful. I'm on my first grow, and will hope for as nice a turn out as that.

My favorite pic is the middle pic in the second set, the one of you holding the bud. Just beautiful.

Great work.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
thats why i chose the single pi that nug had to weigh 3 oz itsef very DENSE.....

GOOD LUCK on the grow...


Well-Known Member
hopefully everything turns out this well on the next grow, I have about 15 clones ben veggin since I put them 2 in flower so I hopeing for a nice turn out on them as well.


Well-Known Member
Very nice indeed.. :leaf:

What is your setup?

How tall they were when you start flowering them?

I'm also @ my first grow and i veg my two babies for a month now.. they are like 8 inches..i only have a 150w MH.. now turning in HPS.

Keep it green.


Well-Known Member
My setup is a drip watering system, I built the drain table myself with some heavy duty mil plastic todrain back into the res, Im useing advanced nutes 3 part system micro, bloom, and grow, with hydroton medium. and a 1000w hps bulb witha 4 ft umbrela hood.


Active Member
looks like im gonna need more drawers for the next grow lol


very nice FIRST thats really hard to believe its your 1st tho, im guessing cause i havent read all the post just looked at the pics that u were using a 1000 watt halide, my gosh thats alot of watts lol

congrats, i hope mine goes that well

send me a bud, lol


Well-Known Member
will do supertae, and yes this is my first grow I just read alot b4 tryin anything, and its a 1000w hps for the flowering and I used all cfl for veggin.