1st grow, harvest now?

Basicly i've smoked all the popcorn buds already... leaving 2-3 sets on 1 cola :mrgreen::mrgreen: dam im impatient...didnt touch anything from top cola, tho. i think of chopping this tree now, or is it too early?
learned alot during this grow, realised that i didnt have enought light (10k lm of cfl) for 1 plant. Some pics; also, experienced growers, do u think its gonna be ~20g dry ? height is around 70cm. I believe i've smoked around ~7g already (stuff was mediocare, but still better than the one from streets). Got no microscope to check trichomes. Forgot to mention, 7 weeks into flowering, strain white widow.
Nice plant bro ! Wait until the calyxes swell and the pistols receed . I'd give her another 7-10 days then chop. But if you have a Scope you can track the trich's . 10-15% Amber is usually my goal depending on strain. Ive got a sick Chop guide on Stoner Haven. You should check it out !
the fact that ive chopped some buds, will this affect last weeks growth ? cause im about to remove some more (no colas, just little buds)


Well-Known Member
Also you could stagger harvest if your tops finish faster than the bottom, chop your top colas and let the rest plump up


Well-Known Member
Also if those are mirrors they do nothing to reflect light...use a white tarp or something like that and hang it in the corner


Active Member
I wud say you have some more time on that plant it really doesnt look like its started its swell yet. Just because a breeder puts a plant is 8 weeks doesnt mean that they really are 8 weeks. Those numbers are under optimal conditions. I havent met very many people that strived and achieved optimum conditions there first grow. Next time leave all the popcorn alone on the bottoms you shouldnt be chopping too much after the second week of flowering. The chopping of those popcorn buds makes the plant have to repair itself from the cuts you made to it. The energy it would be putting into the buds is now being put into the energy for repairing itself. It looks like its got a few weeks left. Its a common thing with noobs to cut down early. I did it and alot of other people have also. When you do this you lose total harvest weight. Cause the last two weeks is when it really gets good your buds start to swell and look like they have seeds but dont. Then there about done. With some strains a good bit of the weight is put on the last few weeks.