1st Grow - harvest/cure questions


PC micro grow. Personal consumption only. Very excited. Auto Fems.

Harvest question. I don't have a 30X, but they are starting to look "done." By seed bank instructions, they should need 4 days more (Short Rider) and 14 days more (AK47 Lowlife). I have stunted them with crappy lights, small pots, and nute burn/def. God bless, them, they still grew.

Is it possible they could be done early due to the stunting? Or do stunting plants take longer?

Cure/Dry: The PC case has a fan and a screen.

Do you think I could hang the bud from the screen and the have them dry in a 67-73 degree dark environment?

Thanks in advance.


Active Member
The stunting would cause slow plant growth and bud growth bud from what I have learned it speeds up the maturing process. The plant senses the stress and tries to finish out faster.

The drying situation sounds good to me. As long as their is a fan blowin!