1st Grow - Guerrilla Style


Well-Known Member
woooooo ude wat the fuck man...thats mest up who ever did that......dont worry man karma is ganna get who ever did that.....and i hope your dealer still does grow......and if not your only choice is to grow indoors...its easier but u gatta have a littel more mulla
Can't grow indoors due to personal reasons...not yet anyway. I can't wait to be able to though. I only did an outie grow because if I wanted to grow at all it was the only thing I could do.

Blah this sucks.


Well-Known Member
y u still live with your mom...its ok so do i....

Pretty much. I respect my parents enough to not grow indoors while I'm here. It would be insanely disrespectful to do that. They could go to prison and lose everything if the police somehow found out.

I was just about to top them... :( :( :(


Well-Known Member
dam dude that sucks.........next time....order seeds....and then in spring germinate them and put them in part cups with good soil ANd buy a floresent light dont matter which one and then keep them there in your house for about 2 weeks or 3 and then put them outside.....