1st grow. flowering with oddities... Help please


Active Member
My oldest plant is flowering now and i had previously dealt with light damage because of my inexperience. but that problem being solves several weeks ago. now that i have started the flowering process i have noticed that the leaves around what will become the buds are drooping and are turning brown and dying. i don't know what i did wrong or how to fix it. i checked the help forums and the diagnosis and thought it might be phosphorus or something like that but i don't think it is..
btw. i am using a 400w MH light right now nad planned to switch to HPS next week.

any help would be absolutely grateful

i will upload pictures to further my explanations later when i have a good camera


Active Member
i read what you all posted and i wanted to add that it is soil grown to this point
i did add some nutes. flora bloom but not alot about 10 ml in a 6 inch pot but that was about 5 days ago. i use regular tap water that i let sit for a day before using it.. i dont know the ph of the soil.

these were the best quality pictures i could manage becasue i cant find my cord for my camera so i was limited to cell phones and computer cameras.



Active Member
if it is a nut problem.. would there be a way to fix it or is the waiting game my best bet?