1st Grow ever!!! (Master Kush and Blue Mystic)

Im unbelievably PISSED OFF about this spider mite situation. I purchased some Neem Oil so I hope it will be here by saturday. ANY SUGGESTIONS ON WHAT TO DO UNTIL THEN???
So far all I see is tiny white spiders, no large ones and no visible damage to my plants. They are only visible on the Blue Mystic and not on the Master Kush. They are on the pot of the Kush and on the pot of the Blue Mystic as well as on the plant it self. I made a mix of Water, Dish Soap, Lime Juice, Hot Sauce, and some Garlic. But im really pissed and upset about this whole thing. My grow was going so well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IS THERE ANY HOPE FOR COMEBACK AFTER BEING DIAGNOSED WITH THESE LITTLE FUCKERS?????!!!!!!!
I had spider mites on my plants a little while ago and was pissed off to. i went to a hydro store right away and bought some axamax. works fucking great i used it every 5 or 6 days and they havent fucked with me since. its normally pretty recoverable my plants got eaten a little but there fine now.
Subcribed. Looking forward to seeing how the blue mystic grows since I'm looking to grow it in the future. Good luck with the mites. Hope they don't cause to much damage.
Yea i hope everything turns out good. I found a shop were i can pick up some neem oil, and i also am buying some stuff to put around the pot so they dont come in.
Fuckin asshole spidermites. I purchased some neem oil from my hydroshop and sprayed everything down. I hope everything turns out good. In the mean time why not post some pics right???
Day 28

So heres some pictures so far, everything growing wise is going good. The only bad news is those spider mites (fuckin assholes). Other than that everything seems to be flourishing.
First 3 are Blue Mystic, last 3 are the Master Kush.


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Take a deep breath bro ...lol it'll be alright , treat underneath the leaves and on top thourghly for about 3 days...and their looking strong by the way !
hows it going with getting rid of those mites? hopefully everything has cleared up.

is the master kush as dense as it looks in the pics? damn that looks nice!
Sorry guys I havent been updated in a wile. The mites are still around but they are dying out. I got some Neem oil and some Tanglefoot to put around the plant pots. The kush and the blue mystic are looking really dense. i will have some pictures for you guys maybe tomorrow or monday. The mites are not on the plant??? I dont know if they are spidermites or not either way im spraying those little fucks with the oil lol.
Ok so for now on, Once a week I am going to wash the plant trays, and the milk crates that they sit on. Im am going to spray with neem oil after every time I water also. I noticed some problems on the Blue Mystic from those little fuckers. I have now engaged in ALL OUT WAR on them lol. I just finished spraying them with the Neem Oil really well. The stuff I got from the Hydro Shop def. wasnt neem oil, What ever it is it smells similar to Karosene??? Does anyone know what that is???? I also put tanglefoot pest trap all aorund the outside of the plat pots. Will give yall some pictures of everything tomorrow. WISH ME LUCK with these asshole spider mites.
Sorry to hear about the spider mites. I have no experience with them. But I'm sure everything will get under control soon 8) Just wanted to say your plants are looking beautiful!
A sweet grow so far and a good read. :clap: Shame about the bugs but sounds like they are in trouble. Looking forward to seeing them develop. How tall are you going to let them get before flowering?
A sweet grow so far and a good read. :clap: Shame about the bugs but sounds like they are in trouble. Looking forward to seeing them develop. How tall are you going to let them get before flowering?

Lol i love that Rocksteady lmao hahahaha im crackin up an i aint even high, i was just talkin about that shit at work today. Beebop and Rocksteady hahahahahahahaha. But yeah if all else fails im gonna sick the Ladybugs or Preditor Mites on there asses. I will give them 2 weeks from today lol. I am going to let them get around a foot to a foot and a half. I got some good head room in my space.