1st grow ever, lookin for some answers please


Well-Known Member

Like i said, first grow ever, and id have to say im pretty happy with the results thus far, my questions are the following, please, unless you really KNOW what you're saying, don't .. too much disinformation on these sites if you ask me...

when should i begin my 2week before harvest flush? that may seem like a question i answered myself there, but, what signs do i look for to know im about 2 weeks away and begin just water?? as an aside, it seems to be common place that people insist doing this helps the taste and smell for curing especially, i get the idea of the chlorophyl and other chemicals being used up, but would it be better to sacrifice a bit of taste n smell for a bigger yield?

i do not have a microscope so i cannot accurately check trichs, is there a way to determine by the pistils?

also, any comments are welcomed on what you think of my first project here, thanks! :weed:

Mr Bomb

Active Member

Like i said, first grow ever, and id have to say im pretty happy with the results thus far, my questions are the following, please, unless you really KNOW what you're saying, don't .. too much disinformation on these sites if you ask me...

when should i begin my 2week before harvest flush? that may seem like a question i answered myself there, but, what signs do i look for to know im about 2 weeks away and begin just water?? as an aside, it seems to be common place that people insist doing this helps the taste and smell for curing especially, i get the idea of the chlorophyl and other chemicals being used up, but would it be better to sacrifice a bit of taste n smell for a bigger yield?

i do not have a microscope so i cannot accurately check trichs, is there a way to determine by the pistils?

also, any comments are welcomed on what you think of my first project here, thanks! :weed:
Once the trichomes are about to the color you desire you should start your flush immediately. You have about a two week window to harvest before you begin actually degrading THC.

However, I should point out that a lot of people (myself included) dont flush at all. Organic growing doesnt need a flush to obtain that taste we are looking for and there is debate over whether a flush even improves flavor or smell on other types of grows.

When it all said and done what it really comes down to is your choice. You are giving up yield by backing off on the nutrients for a potential better taste and you need decide if thats worth it to you. In my case its not.

As far as determining when to harvest based on pistils, not likely. Trichomes really are the best way. If you dont have a microscope a digital camera with a decent zoom should do the trick but make sure you take what your looking at out from underneath the lights(HID) because they will cause the trich's to appear a different color than they actually are.

If you dont have a digital camera you need to pony up the cash for a microscope or at least a quality magnifying lens. You should be able to pick up something that will do the job for under $15-20. Try Wal-Mart or Radioshack they always have them.

I looked at your pictures and they look nice. The buds seem to be doing great but I would add a little bit more N to keep those lower leaves greener. The leaves really are the lifeblood of your plant and even though they will survive less a few lower leaves the plant will perform better if all are kept alive and healthy.


Active Member
ay collie,whats up bro...long time no speak to,hows everything?

your plants look wonderful bro,but the pistils are still a lil on the lighter side,i think you should wait a few more weeks maybe 3 more,have you watered her with blackstrap molasses yet?
if you havent,you should because you still have time left to benefit from it,it might actually swell your buds a lil more,and the good thing about it is it has a good amount of micro nutes that you wont have to necessarily feed your plants while you flush her,but only a lil bit tho...1 teaspoon per gallon because that shit stinks something awful lol,but it works wonders....youre almost there...3 weeks,feed with some molasses water and let her use more of the stored nutes in her leaves

nice to see you again bro...peace


Active Member
oh and i almost missed the point...im a lil high right now...lol,but i see that the pistils are still on the lighter side....thats what made me say about 3 weeks left,i know folks say look at the trichs but the trichs mature AFTER the pistils have started to mature....so wait until the pistils turn a lil on the Orange/light brown and watch her like a hawk.

her trichs are still on the milky side no?
i mean they look like sugar instead of see-thru no?

thats where i'd want her,but just starting to turn amber....but thats just me...lol

hey man take care and dont be a stranger


Well-Known Member
oh and i almost missed the point...im a lil high right now...lol,but i see that the pistils are still on the lighter side....thats what made me say about 3 weeks left,i know folks say look at the trichs but the trichs mature AFTER the pistils have started to mature....so wait until the pistils turn a lil on the Orange/light brown and watch her like a hawk.

her trichs are still on the milky side no?
i mean they look like sugar instead of see-thru no?

thats where i'd want her,but just starting to turn amber....but thats just me...lol

hey man take care and dont be a stranger
Thanks man, and i won't be, ill make sure to send u a PM with link to finished product in a couple of weeks, this is the best i could do for trich pics.. i borrowed my buddys digital cam, is much better than mine for macro and focus.. so yeah, here they are.. but i doubt you see clearly enough, i think, most of them are cloudy at this point, maybe 80cloudy 20clear still.. and .000001 amber lol

oh god, now i cant upload pics, fuck this site is annoying past few days, i couldnt even log in for 2 days,now i can, but cant upload.. ill try agian later i guess